Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category.

Note: Everything I’m talking about here, including the code, is in beta mode. It will be subject to change. I’ll update this post after release to fix any code changes that may occur between now and then. I’m releasing this post now so that theme authors can start looking at their themes and thinking about how they might want to change the way they do options pages.

So, WordPress 3.4 has this nifty new feature you can find on the main Theme selection page. It’s a link next to each theme labeled “Customize”. This is the new Theme Customizer, and it’s way cool.

In fact, you can’t see what it does with a simple picture, so here’s a video. It’s available in HD if you want to go full screen. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, now you know what it does, and if you’re a theme author, you’ve probably just gotten some great ideas. Here’s how you can implement those ideas in your theme.

First, note that if you already support the built in Custom Header and Custom Background functionality the WordPress core provides, then those will magically show up and work in the theme customizer. No extra code needed on your part.

Existing Options

Now, the first thing you’ll probably want to do is to take note of how your existing settings in the theme work. You have three main options for theme settings, realistically. I’ll go over them briefly.

1. “Theme mod”. This uses the set_theme_mod and get_theme_mod functions. It’s rare that themes actually use these since I wrote about the Settings API, but it is there and if you use these normally then it is supported by the Theme Customizer (in fact it’s the default).

2. Individual Settings. If you store your theme’s settings in the options table as individual rows, one per setting, then that works fine with the customizer. This is not the preferred way of doing things in themes, however, and not the most common. Still, some themes do this, so if you’re one of them, it’s supported as well.

3. Serialized Settings. This is the way I explained in my Settings API Tutorial and the method recommended by the Theme Review guidelines, as well as the way Chip described in his own tutorial for theme settings. Essentially, you store your settings in an array, then store that array using set_option or get_option, as one row in the database. This method is supported and it’s the way I’ll primarily cover in this article. I’ll briefly mention the other two methods when appropriate.

Once you know how your settings are stored, then you’ll know what to fill in at certain spots in the code. More on this when we get to it.

Object Orientation

Now, the Theme Customizer is very object oriented, and while you don’t necessarily need to understand this to implement the basics of it, you might need to understand it if you’re going to make something completely custom. Just a warning.

First, we’ll look at the left hand side of the customizer screen. Notice that the left hand side is divided into sections. Actually, that’s their name: WP_Customize_Section. In each of these sections is one or more controls; or rather, WP_Customize_Control. Finally, each of these controls one of more settings on the page: aka WP_Customize_Setting.

The Sections organize the controls. The Controls get input and pass it to the settings. The Settings interface with your existing options in the theme.

To make new stuff here for your own custom options, you need to know where to add it. That place is the customize_register action hook.

add_action( 'customize_register', 'themename_customize_register' );
function themename_customize_register($wp_customize) {
	// ... do stuff ...

The function gets a parameter of the main $wp_customize object. This is the interface point where you will do everything like adding sections and controls and such.


So, first thing to do is to add a section. Here’s one way to do it:

	$wp_customize->add_section( 'themename_color_scheme', array(
		'title'          => __( 'Color Scheme', 'themename' ),
		'priority'       => 35,
	) );

The first parameter is a unique ID for the section that you’ll need later (when you’re putting controls into it). The second parameter is an array of options for the section. Sections don’t have a lot of options, really. You can give them a title, you can give them a “description” if you need some explanatory text in them. The priority setting determines their order in the list.

You can also give sections a “capability” if you have a special case. Generally speaking, most sites require the “edit_theme_options” capability to have users edit this sort of thing, and this is the default capability that the sections use. However, if you have options that anybody can edit, or which should only be managed by administrators, changing this capability will prevent the section from appearing to users who can’t change those settings anyway.

One final thing you can add to a section is a “theme_supports” option. This will make the menu not appear unless the theme supports something. If you’re putting this code in a theme itself, then you already know what the theme supports, so it doesn’t make much sense. The core uses this to not show the header and background options if the theme doesn’t support them.


Next, let’s configure some settings. Yes, the settings, not the controls. See, the controls need to know what settings they’re changing, so we have to attach the settings up first.

To declare a setting, you do it like this:

	$wp_customize->add_setting( 'themename_theme_options[color_scheme]', array(
		'default'        => 'some-default-value',
		'type'           => 'option',
		'capability'     => 'edit_theme_options',
	) );

In this case, I’ve declared that the setting I’m interested in is in an option, the option is named “themename_theme_options” in the database, and it’s serialized, and the actual array key in there is “color_scheme”. Remember that talk we had before about the Settings API and how you store your settings? This was method 3.

Here’s method 2 (one option per database entry):

	$wp_customize->add_setting( 'themename_color_scheme', array(
		'default'        => 'some-default-value',
		'type'           => 'option',
		'capability'     => 'edit_theme_options',
	) );

And here’s method 1 (using theme_mod):

	$wp_customize->add_setting( 'color_scheme', array(
		'default'        => 'some-default-value',
		'type'           => 'theme_mod',
		'capability'     => 'edit_theme_options',
	) );

This setting basically tells the theme customizer where the option is stored, and how to change it’s value so that your theme displays with the changed option.

Here’s the good bit about this: You’re telling the theme customizer where the option is. You don’t have to change the way the existing option works at all.

You already have a theme options page, right? So somehow, you’re saving those options. And in the theme, it’s reading those options using get_theme_mod or get_option, right? The way the theme customizer works is that it intercepts that call using a filter, changes the option for the previewer case only, and then passes the new option along to the theme. So the theme has no idea that the value it’s getting isn’t in the database, but one the user just selected. That’s the magic trick and why themes don’t have to dramatically change to support this sort of thing. All they have to do to make custom sections is to tell the theme customizer code what options they’re using and how, and it changes those options directly for the previewer.

(Note of clarification here: The “default” setting above should be a default value, not the current value. The difference is a subtle one, but the point is that you don’t actually need to get the current value of the option from the DB and put it in here. The WP_Customize_Setting takes care of all that jazz for you. The “default” is what should be used if the value doesn’t exist in the DB at all.)

There’s one more bit to the add_setting call that we’ll come back to later when I get around to explaining postMessage.


Finally, we come to the controls. Controls can look one of a lot of ways, obviously. The simplest controls are just checkboxes, or text fields. However, colors are something that change a lot, so there’s color wheel controls too. In fact, WordPress defines a number of possible controls. Let’s go over a few:

A radio selection:

	$wp_customize->add_control( 'themename_color_scheme', array(
		'label'      => __( 'Color Scheme', 'themename' ),
		'section'    => 'themename_color_scheme',
		'settings'   => 'themename_theme_options[color_scheme]',
		'type'       => 'radio',
		'choices'    => array(
			'value1' => 'Choice 1',
			'value2' => 'Choice 2',
			'value3' => 'Choice 3',
	) );

Pretty simple. It’s referencing the section it’s in, the setting that it’s going to change, and then it has the radio type and the list of choices along with their associated values.

How about a checkbox instead? This one comes straight from core:

	$wp_customize->add_control( 'display_header_text', array(
		'settings' => 'header_textcolor',
		'label'    => __( 'Display Header Text' ),
		'section'  => 'header',
		'type'     => 'checkbox',
	) );

A checkbox is on or off, true or false. It needs no real values.

How about a selection dropdown box? Here’s an example:

	$wp_customize->add_control( 'example_select_box', array(
		'label'   => 'Select Something:',
		'section' => 'nav',
		'type'    => 'select',
		'choices'    => array(
			'value1' => 'Choice 1',
			'value2' => 'Choice 2',
			'value3' => 'Choice 3',
	) );

The default type of control is actually type = ‘text’, and it creates a text box control. One more type of control is the “dropdown-pages” type, which creates a dropdown list of the WordPress Pages.

But that’s not all. There’s actually several more, but because they’re so custom, they’re declared differently. Here’s where we get all object oriented on ya…

	$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, 'link_color', array(
		'label'   => __( 'Link Color', 'themename' ),
		'section' => 'themename_color_scheme',
		'settings'   => 'themename_theme_options[link_color]',
	) ) );

Whoa, what’s with the new class? The WP_Customize_Color_Control is a class that is extending the built in WP_Customize_Control class. It adds the color wheel jazz to places where color selection is needed. Note that the class is being created here with new, and so it has to get the $wp_customize passed to it directly, so it knows where to hook in. (Note: This may change before final 3.4 release.)

Other controls of note:

  • WP_Customize_Upload_Control – This gives you an upload box, for allowing file uploads. However, you probably won’t use this directly, you’ll extend it for other things… like:
  • WP_Customize_Image_Control – This gives the image picker and the uploader box. It extends the upload controller. You can see it in action on the custom background piece, where a user can upload a new file to be the background image.
  • WP_Customize_Header_Image_Control – Because of the resizing action of the header piece, it needs a bit of special handling and display, so the WP_Customize_Header_Image_Control extends the WP_Customize_Image_Control to add that functionality. You can see it in action on the custom header piece, where a user can upload a new file to be the header image.

So, the way to create a custom controller to do whatever you want is to make a new class of your own which extends WP_Customize_Control and adds the bits you want. How to do that is a bit complex, so I’ll save that for another tutorial. For now, you’ve got image handling, color wheels, text boxes, radios, dropdowns, and checkboxes. I think that should be enough to get started with.

End of tutorial?

Not quite. Everything I went over above is enough to add new sections to the customizer, put controls in them, and then to have the preview show your changes after a slight delay when the page refreshes. All you have to do is to call those functions with the proper parameters, in the proper place, and it’ll work.

However, note that I said “when the page refreshes”… C’mon… this is the year 2012. We don’t have flying cars, and we still have to wait a whole second or two?


Enter postMessage

Back when I mentioned the $wp_customize->add_setting function call, I mentioned “one more bit”. That one more bit is the option called “transport”.

Transport defines how your setting change gets from the place where you changed it into the preview pane. The default setting for this is “refresh”. An alternative setting is named “postMessage”.

The postMessage transport makes it such that the setting is instantly sent into the other frame, where javascript can adjust the page on-the-fly using this new information.

An example:

Let’s say we have a setting to change the colors of the titles. All the titles on the page are in some tag that has a class of posttitle, perhaps. The option normally just saves the HTML color chosen, then outputs some inline CSS in the header.php to basically do this:

.posttitle {
	color: #abcdef;

Or whatever the option actually is for that color.

We have hooked our setting to that option, and hooked our WP_Customize_Color_Control up to it, and now when we change it, it works and we can see the color change. Note that this is easiest to do with already working customizer options, so the best way to do it is to get it working normally first, then add on this next bit.

Now, we have the working option in the customizer, so to take away that refresh delay, we’ll add this new option to the add_setting call:

	'transport'         => 'postMessage',

This tells the customizer that the setting will be sent directly to the frame via javascript. However, for that setting to work, we need javascript in the frame itself to receive it.

So, back in our main function… remember that? It started like this:

add_action( 'customize_register', 'themename_customize_register' );
function themename_customize_register($wp_customize) {
	// ... do stuff ...

Right at the end of that function, we’re going to add this code:

	if ( $wp_customize->is_preview() && ! is_admin() )
		add_action( 'wp_footer', 'themename_customize_preview', 21);

This is going to add a new function call to our preview frame’s footer. It only gets added with the preview frame, so the live site and others won’t see it, because they don’t need to see it. This is where we’re going to output our javascript to make things happen in real-time.

Here’s our function:

function themename_customize_preview() {
	<script type="text/javascript">
	( function( $ ){
	wp.customize('setting_name',function( value ) {
		value.bind(function(to) {
			$('.posttitle').css('color', to ? to : '' );
	} )( jQuery )

As you can see, it just outputs a bit of javascript. This code won’t change much, ever, so let’s go over just two pieces of importance:

  • ‘setting_name’ is the name of the setting, as added by the $wp_customize->add_setting call.
  • The entire line starting with jQuery(‘.posttitle’) is our custom bit of code. It gets the “to” variable, which will be the color chosen by the user, and it sets the posttitles on the page to have that color, using the css modifying functionality of jquery.

Those are the only two bits you need to change, really. The rest is pretty copy-pasta. For each real-time setting, you can dupe this bit of code in the script.

Here’s another thing: You can change pre-existing refresh settings to be postMessage ones. Take the Site Title and Tagline elements in the Header section, for example. These are refresh settings, and the reason they are is because each theme implements them differently. There’s no way for the core to know the javascript code needed for any particular theme.

But if you’re a theme author, then you’re not writing for a generic theme. You’re writing for your particular theme. You know how the site title and tagline are displayed. There’s no reason you can’t make those update in real time. And while you’re at it, the header_textcolor setting can be real time too, since you know the theme code.

In your main function again, add these three lines of code:


That changes the transport on those core settings to be postMessage. Now you need to add the javascript code to actually do the refreshing in your theme. Here’s an example of TwentyEleven doing this (with the patch I wrote for it):

function twentyeleven_customize_preview() {
	<script type="text/javascript">
	( function( $ ){
	wp.customize('blogname',function( value ) {
		value.bind(function(to) {
			$('#site-title a').html(to);
	wp.customize('blogdescription',function( value ) {
		value.bind(function(to) {
	wp.customize( 'header_textcolor', function( value ) {
		value.bind( function( to ) {
			$('#site-title a, #site-description').css('color', to ? to : '' );
	} )( jQuery )

For the blogname, it changes the HTML inside the “#site-title a” link. For the description, it changes the tag with #sitedescription. For the color of those, it simply targets both of them and alters their CSS.

Core has to try to be generic across all themes. But themes have more knowledge of how they work and can change things to target themselves in better ways. A theme adding controls knows what those controls change, so if it’s something simple like CSS or even something more complex like HTML, if you can write javascript code to make that modification in real time, then you can use postMessage and eliminate that refresh delay.

Hopefully this explains some of the theme customizer. Was it as clear as mud? Take a look at my patch to Twenty Eleven to add some of the theme options from its existing options screen into the customizer. You can find it on this ticket:


Fun fact of the day: about 37% of WordPress downloads are for non-English, localized versions.

So as a plugin or theme author, you should be thinking of localization and internationalization (L10N and I18N) as pretty much a fact of life by this point.

Fun total guess of the day: based on my experience in browsing through the thing, roughly, ohh… all plugins and themes in the directory are doing-it-wrong in some manner.

Yes friends, even my code is guilty of this to some degree.

It’s understandable. When you’re writing the thing, generally you’re working on the functionality, not form. So you put strings in and figure “hey, no biggie, I can come back and add in the I18N stuff later.” Sometimes you even come back and do that later.

And you know what? You probably still get it wrong. I did. I still often do.

The reason you are getting it wrong is because doing I18N right is non-obvious. There’s tricks there, and rules that apply outside of the normal PHP ways of doing things.

So here’s the unbreakable laws of I18N, as pertaining to WordPress plugins and themes.

Note: This is not a tutorial, as such. You are expected to already be translating your code in some way, and to have a basic grasp on it. What I’m going to show you is stuff you are probably already doing, but which is wrong. With any luck, you will have much slapping-of-the-head during this read, since I’m hoping to give you that same insight I had, when I finally “got it”.

Also note: These are laws, folks. Not suggestions. Thou shalt not break them. They are not up for debate. What I’m going to present to you here today is provably correct. Sorry, I like a good argument as much as the next guy, but arguing against these just makes you wrong.

Basic I18N functions

First, lets quickly cover the two top translation functions. There’s more later, and the laws apply to them too, but these are the ones everybody should know and make the easiest examples.

The base translation function is __(). That’s the double-underscore function. It takes a string and translates it, according to the localization settings, then returns the string.

Then there’s the shortcut function of _e(). It does the same, but it echoes the result instead.

There’s several functions based around these, such as esc_attr_e() for example. These functions all behave identically to their counterparts put together. The esc_attr_e() function first runs the string through __(), then it does esc_attr() on it, then it echo’s it. These are named in a specific way so as to work with existing translation tools. All the following laws apply to them in the exact same way.

So, right down to it then.

Law the First: Thou shalt not use PHP variables of any kind inside a translation function’s strings.

This code is obviously wrong, or it should be:

$string = __($string, 'plugin-domain');

The reason you never do this is because translation relies on looking up strings in a table and then translating them. However, that list of strings to be translated is built by an automated process. Some code scans your PHP code, without executing it, and pulls out all the __()’s it finds, then builds the list of strings to be translated. That scanning code cannot possibly know what is inside $string.

However, sometimes it’s more subtle than that. For example, this is also wrong:

$string = __("You have $number tacos", 'plugin-domain');

The translated string here will be something like ‘You have 12 tacos’, but the scanning code can’t know what $number is in advance, nor is it feasible to expect your translators to translate all cases of what $number could be anyway.

Basically, double quoted strings in translation functions are always suspect, and probably wrong. But that rule can’t be hard and fast, because using string operations like ‘You have ‘.$number.’ tacos’ is equally wrong, for the exact same reason.

Here’s a couple of wrongs that people like to argue with:

$string = __('You have 12 tacos', $plugin_domain);
$string = __('You have 12 tacos', PLUGIN_DOMAIN);

These are both cases of the same thing. Basically, you decided that repetition is bad, so you define the plugin domain somewhere central, then reference it everywhere.

Mark Jaquith went into some detail on why this is wrong on his blog, so I will refer you to that, but I’ll also espouse a general principle here.

I said this above, and I’m going to repeat it: “that list of strings to be translated is built by an automated process“. When I’m making some code to read your code and parse it, I’m not running your code. I’m parsing it. And while the general simplistic case of building a list of strings does not require me to know your plugin’s text domain, a more complicated case might. There are legitimate reasons that we want your domain to be plain text and not some kind of variable.

For starters, what if we did something like make a system where you could translate your strings right on the website? Or build a system where you could enlist volunteer translators to translate your strings for you? Or made a system where people could easily download localized versions of your plugin, with the relevant translations already included?

These are but a few ideas, but for all of them, that text domain must be a plain string. Not a variable. Not a define.

Bottom line: Inside all translation functions, no PHP variables are allowed in the strings, for any reason, ever. Plain single-quoted strings only.

Law the Second: Thou shalt always translate phrases and not words.

One way people often try to get around not using variables is like the following:

$string = __('You have ', 'plugin') . $number . __(' tacos', 'plugin-domain');

No! Bad coder! Bad!

English is a language of words. Other languages are not as flexible. In some other languages, the subject comes first. Your method doesn’t work here, unless the localizer makes “tacos” into “you have” and vice-versa.

This is the correct way:

$string = sprintf( __('You have %d tacos', 'plugin-domain'), $number );

The localizer doing your translation can then write the equivalent in his language, leaving the %d in the right place. Note that in this case, the %d is not a PHP variable, it’s a placeholder for the number.

In fact, this is a good place to introduce a new function to deal with pluralization. Nobody has “1 tacos”. So we can write this:

$string = sprintf( _n('You have %d taco.', 'You have %d tacos.', $number, 'plugin-domain'), $number );

The _n function is a translation function that picks the first string if the $number (third parameter to _n) is one, or the second one if it’s more than one. We still have to use the sprintf to replace the placeholder with the actual number, but now the pluralization can be translated separately, and as part of the whole phrase. Note that the last argument to _n is still the plugin text domain to be used.

Note that some languages have more than just a singular and a plural form. You may need special handling sometimes, but this will get you there most of the time. Polish in particular has pluralization rules that have different words for 1, for numbers ending in 2, 3, and 4, and for numbers ending in 5-1 (except 1 itself). That’s okay, _n can handle these special cases with special pluralization handling in the translator files, and you generally don’t need to worry about it as long as you specify the plural form in a sane way, using the whole phrase.

You might also note that _n() is the one and only translation function that can have a PHP variable in it. This is because that third variable is always going to be a number, not a string. Therefore no automated process that builds strings from scanning code will care about what it is. You do need to take care than the $number in _n is always a number though. It will not be using that $number to insert into the string, it will be selecting which string to use based on its value.

Now, using placeholders can be complex, since sometimes things will have to be reversed. Take this example:

$string = sprintf( __('You have %d tacos and %d burritos', 'plugin-domain'), $taco_count, $burrito_count );

What if a language has some strange condition where they would never put tacos before burritos? It just wouldn’t be done. The translator would have to rewrite this to have the burrito count first. But he can’t, the placeholders are such that the $taco_count is expected to be first in the sprintf. The solution:

$string = sprintf( __('You have %1$d tacos and %2$d burritos', 'plugin-domain'), $taco_count, $burrito_count );

The %1$d and such is an alternate form that PHP allows called “argument swapping“. In this case, the translator could write it correctly, but put the burritos before the tacos by simply putting %2$d before %1$d in the string.

Note that when you use argument swapping, that single-quoted string thing becomes very important. If you have “%1$s” in double quotes, then PHP will see that $s and try to put your $s variable in there. In at least one case, this has caused an accidental Cross-Site-Scripting security issue.

So repeat after me: “I will always only use single-quoted strings in I18N functions.” There. Now you’re safe again. This probably should be a law, but since it’s safe to use double-quoted strings as long as you don’t use PHP variables (thus breaking the first law), I’ll just leave you to think about it instead. ๐Ÿ™‚

Law the Third: Thou shalt disambiguate when needed.

When I say “comment” to you, am I talking about a comment on my site, or am I asking you to make a comment? How about “test”? Or even “buffalo”?

English has words and phrases that can have different meanings depending on context. In other languages, these same concepts can be different words or phrases entirely. To help translators out, use the _x() function for them.

The _x() function is similar to the __() function, but it has a comment section where the context can be specified.

$string = _x( 'Buffalo', 'an animal', 'plugin-domain' );
$string = _x( 'Buffalo', 'a city in New York', 'plugin-domain' );
$string = _x( 'Buffalo', 'a verb meaning to confuse somebody', 'plugin-domain' );

Though these strings are identical, the translators will get separated strings, along with the explanation of what they are, and they can translate them accordingly.

And just like __() has _e() for immediate echoing, _x() has _ex() for the same thing. Use as needed.

Finally, this last one isn’t a law so much as something that annoys me. You’re free to argue about it if you like. ๐Ÿ™‚

Annoyance the First: Thou shalt not put unnecessary HTML markup into the translated string.

$string = sprintf( __('<h3>You have %d tacos</h3>', 'plugin-domain'), $number );

Why would you give the power to the translator to insert markup changes to your code? Markup should be eliminated from your translated strings wherever possible. Put it outside your strings instead.

$string = '<h3>'.sprintf( __('You have %d tacos', 'plugin-domain'), $number ).'</h3>';

Note that sometimes though, it’s perfectly acceptable. If you’re adding emphasis to a specific word, then that emphasis might be different in other languages. This is pretty rare though, and sometimes you can pull it out entirely. If I wanted a bold number of tacos, I’d use this:

$string = sprintf( __('You have %s tacos', 'plugin-domain'), '<strong>'.$number.'</strong>' );

Or more preferably, the _n version of same that I discussed above.


Like I said at the beginning, we’ve all done these. I’ve broken all these laws of I18N in the past (I know some of my plugins still do), only to figure out that I was doing-it-wrong. Hopefully, you’ve spotted something here you’ve done (or are currently doing) and have realized from reading this exactly why your code is broken. The state of I18N in plugins and themes is pretty low, and that’s something I’d really like to get fixed in the long run. With any luck, this article will help. ๐Ÿ™‚

Disclaimer: Yes, I wrote this while hungry.


In trying to figure out what to talk about at WordCamp Atlanta, I remembered a question put to me in WordCamp Birmingham. The question was how can a theme developer easily make a plugin-dependency in their theme?

I wrote some code to do this sort of thing, just as an example/test/demonstration, but then after looking over the schedule, I found that Thomas Griffin had beat me to it. After looking over his slides and having him walk me through his code, I realized that his solution was much more fully featured than mine, so I’m glad I didn’t present anything on this topic. (I ended up just doing an answer session where I tried to answer any question put to me, and frankly that was much more fun than having slides, so I’m probably just going to do that from now on.)

You can find his cool library here, BTW:

However, his solution is highly complex. The class he came up with is well done and fully-featured. He has capabilities for making notifications in the header space on the admin section, lightbox popups, bulk installs, forced activation, custom skinning, etc. It’s a big thing. While that’s great for a lot of people in terms of having code you can just drop-in and use, I thought that it doesn’t do much to teach how one can DIY it.

See, the code I wrote was tiny. It basically just provides some minor functionality to show a theme author how to detect installed plugins, how to detect when they’re active, how to build install and activate links, etc. It doesn’t do any pretty stuff. No custom skinning. No lightbox popups. All these things are possible, but if somebody hands you a hunk of library code to do them, then you know how to use that library, not how it works. I dislike using libraries for this reason.

So here’s the small class I wrote to do the same sort of thing, but in a very bare-bones style.


Simple class to let themes add dependencies on plugins in ways they might find useful

Example usage:

	$test = new Theme_Plugin_Dependency( 'simple-facebook-connect', '' );
	if ( $test->check_active() ) 
		echo 'SFC is installed and activated!';
	else if ( $test->check() ) 
		echo 'SFC is installed, but not activated. <a href="'.$test->activate_link().'">Click here to activate the plugin.</a>';
	else if ( $install_link = $test->install_link() )
		echo 'SFC is not installed. <a href="'.$install_link.'">Click here to install the plugin.</a>';
		echo 'SFC is not installed and could not be found in the Plugin Directory. Please install this plugin manually.';

if (!class_exists('Theme_Plugin_Dependency')) {
	class Theme_Plugin_Dependency {
		// input information from the theme
		var $slug;
		var $uri;

		// installed plugins and uris of them
		private $plugins; // holds the list of plugins and their info
		private $uris; // holds just the URIs for quick and easy searching

		// both slug and PluginURI are required for checking things
		function __construct( $slug, $uri ) {
			$this->slug = $slug;
			$this->uri = $uri;
			if ( empty( $this->plugins ) ) 
				$this->plugins = get_plugins();
			if ( empty( $this->uris ) ) 
				$this->uris = wp_list_pluck($this->plugins, 'PluginURI');

		// return true if installed, false if not
		function check() {
			return in_array($this->uri, $this->uris);

		// return true if installed and activated, false if not
		function check_active() {
			$plugin_file = $this->get_plugin_file();
			if ($plugin_file) return is_plugin_active($plugin_file);
			return false;

		// gives a link to activate the plugin
		function activate_link() {
			$plugin_file = $this->get_plugin_file();
			if ($plugin_file) return wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('plugins.php?action=activate&plugin='.$plugin_file), 'activate-plugin_'.$plugin_file);
			return false;

		// return a nonced installation link for the plugin. checks to make sure it's there first.
		function install_link() {
			include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php';

			$info = plugins_api('plugin_information', array('slug' => $this->slug ));

			if ( is_wp_error( $info ) ) 
				return false; // plugin not available from

			return wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=' . $this->slug), 'install-plugin_' . $this->slug);

		// return array key of plugin if installed, false if not, private because this isn't needed for themes, generally
		private function get_plugin_file() {
			return array_search($this->uri, $this->uris);

Obviously, for theme authors wanting to do something, they’re going to want to make much prettier means of displaying things and installing things. Thus, this code is meant as an example, to show the basics of how to detect such things.

So, use it directly if you like (it works), but more importantly, if you want to put plugin dependancies in your theme, then I suggest reading it and figuring out how it works instead. Then you can see how plugins can be detected and how to build simple install and activation links.

(BTW, note that I used the slug and the PluginURI for a reason. Plugins should be using a unique URL for the plugin in their code, and that URL is very likely to be the most unique thing about the plugin, and therefore the best way to check for a plugin already being there or not. Slugs can be duplicated by accident or design, but URLs are generally going to be unique and specific to a particular plugin.)


Google came out with an experimental specification for websites to provide “hints” on forms, to allow things like autocomplete to work better and be more standardized. Seems useful.

Here’s a quick plugin snippet you can use to make your comments form use this specification. Only Chrome 15 and up is using this at the moment, but in the long run I think most browsers will be implementing something similar to this, since filling out forms is just one of those endless pieces of drudgery that we could all stand to do away with.

Note that your theme will need to be using the comment_form() function call for this to work, otherwise you’ll just have to edit your comment form in the theme manually.

Plugin Name: Add X-Autocomplete Fields to Comment Form
function add_x_autocompletetype($fields) {
	$fields['author'] = str_replace('<input', '<input x-autocompletetype="name-full"', $fields['author']);
	$fields['email'] = str_replace('<input', '<input x-autocompletetype="email"', $fields['email']);
	return $fields;

Simple little bit of code, really. Should work with any theme using the normal comment_form() function call.


So, I first wrote about this topic on the wp-hackers list back in January 2009, explaining some of the scaling issues involved with having ambiguous rewrite rules and loads of static Pages in WordPress. A year later the same topic came up again in the WPTavern Forums, and later I wrote a blog post about the issue in more detail. That post generated lots of questions and responses.

In August 2011, thanks to highly valuable input from Andy Skelton which gave me a critical insight needed to make it work, and with Jon Cave and Mark Jaquith doing testing (read: breaking my patches over and over again), I was able to create a patch which fixed the problem (note: my final patch was slightly over-complicated, Jon Cave later patched it again to simplify some of the handling). This patch is now in WordPress 3.3.

So I figured I’d write up a quick post explaining the patch, how it works, and the subsequent consequences of it.

Now you have two problems.Quick Summary of the Problem

The original underlying problem is that WordPress relies on a set of rules to determine what type of page you’re looking for, and it uses only the URL itself to do this. Basically, given /some/url/like/this, WordPress has to figure out a) what you’re trying to see and b) how to query for that data from the database. The only information it has to help it do this is called the “rewrite rules”, which is basically a big list of regular expressions that turn the “pretty” URL into variables used for the main WP_Query system.

The user of the WordPress system has direct access to exactly one of these rewrite rules, which is the “Custom Structure” on the Settings->Permalink page. This custom string can be used to change what the “single post” URLs look like.

The problem is that certain custom structures will interfere with existing structures. If you make a custom structure that doesn’t start with something easily identifiable, like a number, then the default rewrite rules wouldn’t be able to cope with it.

To work around this problem, WordPress detected it and uses a flag called “verbose_rewrite_rules”, which triggers everything into changing the list of rules into more verbose ones, making the ambiguous rules into unambiguous ones. It did this by the simple method of making all Pages into static rules.

This works fine, but it doesn’t scale to large numbers of Pages. Once you have about 50-100 static Pages or so, and you’re using an ambiguous custom structure, then the system tends to fall apart. Most of the time, the ruleset grows too large to fit into a single mySQL query, meaning that the rules can no longer be properly saved in the database and must be rebuilt each time. The most obvious effect when this happens is that the number of queries on every page load rises from the below 50 range to 2000+ queries, and the site slows down to snail speed.

The “Fix”

The solution to this problem is deeper than simple optimizations. Remember that I said “WordPress relies on a set of rules to determine what type of page you’re looking for, and it uses only the URL itself to do this”. Well, to fix the problem, we have to give WordPress more input than just the URL. Specifically, we make it able to find out what Pages exist in the database.

When you use an ambiguous custom structure, WordPress 3.3 still detects that, and it still sets the verbose_page_rules flag. However, the flag now doesn’t cause the Pages to be made unambiguous in the rules. Instead, it changes the way the rules work. Specifically, it causes the following to happen:

  1. The Page rules now get put in front of the Post rules, and
  2. The actual matching process can do database queries to determine if the Page exists.

So now what happens is that the Page matching rules are run first, and for an ambiguous case, they’ll indeed match the Page rule. However, for all Page matches, a call to the get_page_by_path function is made, to see if that Page actually exists. If the Page doesn’t exist in the database, then the rule gets skipped even though it matched, and then the Post’s custom structure rules take over and will match the URL.

The Insight

The first patch I made while at WordCamp Montreal used this same approach of calling get_page_by_path, but the problem with it was that get_page_by_path was a rather expensive function to call at the time, especially for long page URLs. It was still better than what existed already, so I submitted the patch anyway, but it was less than ideal.

When I was at WordCamp San Francisco in August, hanging around all these awesome core developers, Andy Skelton commented on it and suggested a different kind of query. His suggestion didn’t actually work out directly, but it did give me the final idea which I implemented in get_page_by_path. Basically, Andy suggested splitting the URL path up into components and then querying for each one. I realized that you could split the path up by components, query for all of them at once, and then do a loop through the URL components in reverse order to determine if the URL referred to a Page that existed in the database or not.

So basically, given a URL like /aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd, get_page_by_path now does this:

SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name IN ('aaa','bbb','ccc','ddd') AND (post_type = 'page' OR post_type = 'attachment')

The results of this are stored in an array of objects using the ID as the array keys (a clever trick Andrew Nacin pointed out to me at the time).

By then looping through that array only once with a foreach, and comparing to the reversed form of the URL (ddd, ccc, bbb, aaa) you can make an algorithm that basically works like this:

foreach(results as res) {
  if (res->post_name = 'ddd') {
    get the parent of res from the results array
     (if it's not in the array, then it can't be the parent of ddd, which is ccc and should be in the array)
    check to make sure parent is 'ccc',
    loop back to get the parent of ccc and repeat the process until you run out of parents

This works because all the Pages in our /aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd hierarchy must be in the resulting array from that one query, if /aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd is a valid page. So you can quickly check, using that indexed ID key, to see if they are all there by working backwards. If they are all there, then you’ll eventually get to parent = zero (which is the root) and the post_name = ‘aaa’. If they’re not there, then the loop exits and you didn’t find the Page because it doesn’t actually exist.

So using this one query, you can check for the existence of a Page any number of levels deep fairly quickly and without lots of expensive database operations.


There are still some drawbacks though.

In theory, you could break this by making lots and lots of Pages, if you also made their hierarchy go hundreds of levels deep and thus make the loop operation take a long time. This seems unlikely to me, or at least way more unlikely than somebody making a mere couple hundreds of Pages. Also, WordPress won’t let you use the same Page name twice on the same level, so you’d really have to try for it to make this take too long.

If you try to make a URL longer than around 900K or so, the query will break. Pretty sure it’d break before that though, and anyway most people can’t remember URLs with the contents of a whole book in them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This also adds one SQL operation to every single Post page lookup. However, this is still better than having it break and try to run a few thousand queries every time in order to build rewrite rules which it can’t ultimately save. And the SQL being used is relatively fast, since post_name and post_type are both indexed fields.

Basically, for the very few and specific cases that had the problem, the speedup is dramatic and immediate. For the cases that use unambiguous rules, nothing has changed at all.

There’s still some bits that need to be fixed. Some of the code is duplicated in a couple of places and that needs to be merged. The pagename rewrite rule is a bit of a hack to avoid clashing, but it works everywhere even if it does make the regexp purist groan with dismay (for critics of this, please know that I did indeed try to do this using a regexp comment to make the difference instead of the strange and silly expression, but it doesn’t work because the regexp needs to be in a PHP array key).

Anyway, there you have it. I wrote the patch, but at least 5 other core developers contributed ideas and put in the grunt work in testing the result. A lot of brain power from these guys went into what is such a small little thing, really.ย A bit obscure, but I figured some people might like to read about it. ๐Ÿ™‚



Missed the news last week or so, but Twitter added oEmbed provider support to their API. While previous methods have existed to easily post tweets (such as Blackbird Pie), oEmbed is built into the WordPress core.

However, since Twitter didn’t implement oEmbed discovery, and WP has discovery off by default anyway, you have to resort to a small bit of code to make it work. Here’s that bit of code:

function twitter_oembed($a) {
	$a['#http(s)?://(www\.)?*#i'] = array( '{format}', true);
	return $a;

Here’s what happens when you put that code in a plugin (for example) and just paste a twitter URL into a post:

It handles RT’s pretty neatly, I think. ๐Ÿ™‚

This may make it into WordPress by default in the next version. Too bad they came out with it too late for inclusion in WordPress 3.3.


Wrote this quick WordPress code snippet at WordCamp Louisville. It makes a /random/ URL on your site which redirects to a random post. Thought some people might find it useful.

Not a perfect little snippet, but gets the job done. Note the use of the little-used 307 redirect for temporary redirection. This is to make browsers not cache the results of the redirect, like some of them might do with a 302.

function random_add_rewrite() {
       global $wp;
       add_rewrite_rule('random/?$', 'index.php?random=1', 'top');

function random_template() {
       if (get_query_var('random') == 1) {
               $posts = get_posts('post_type=post&orderby=rand&numberposts=1');
               foreach($posts as $post) {
                       $link = get_permalink($post);

There’s plugins that do this sort of thing too, but this is such a simple little thing that it doesn’t really need a big amount of code to do.

Edit: Added get_permalink() optimization from @Raherian.


If you read “how-to” stuff for WordPress sites around the web, then you frequently run across what many people like to call “snippets”. Short bits of code or functions to do various things.ย I myself post snippets frequently, usually made up on the fly to solve somebody’s specific problem.

One question I get a fair amount is “where do I add this code?”

The usual answer to this for a lot of people is “in the theme’s functions.php file”. This is a quick solution, but it is often a problematic one.

The reason this has become the more or less go-to place to add these snippets is because it’s complicated to explain to a newbie how to make a plugin and activate it, or to point out the problems with modifying core code, or plugin code. Saying to look for a specific file in their theme, on the other hand, is quick and easy, and until recently theme upgrades have been fairly rare.

However, as themes get upgrades, it becomes more and more incorrect to tell people to modify them directly. And telling people how to create child themes is complex, even if it’s easy to do.

So I’d like to start a new trend, and recommend that people start making Site-Specific Plugins. Most people who run WP sites on a serious level do this in some way already, but if you make it sorta-standard practice, then it’ll make things simpler all around.

How to create a Site-Specific Plugin

1. Create a new directory in the plugins directory. Name it after the site in some fashion. For example, /wp-content/plugins/ or something like that.

2. Create a new php file in that directory. Name is dealer’s choice.

3. Put this in the file:

Plugin Name: Site Plugin for
Description: Site specific code changes for

4. Finally, go activate your new blank plugin on the site.

Now you have a simple and specific place to add snippets. It will survive upgrades of any sort, and you can edit it to add new code on an as needed basis. What’s more, it’s kinda sorta break-proof. If the user uses the built-in plugin editor to edit it, and they add code that breaks the site, then the editor detects that on saving the code and deactivates the plugin, preventing the “white screen of death” for their site.

This is a much better way to use “snippets” than the theme’s functions.php file, and we should really use it more often in our replies to users.


Note: Post has been updated for 3.3 beta 2

WordPress plugin and theme authors could get something interesting in WordPress 3.3: a somewhat more comprehensive help screen system.

This is actually just a small part of a more long term makeover involving unifying the admin screen code base, but it’s pretty cool nevertheless. Backward compatibility is sorta fuzzy on parts of it at the moment, but not a lot of authors used these functions previously anyway, from what I can tell.

Anyway, I spent an entertaining half hour reworking the help dropdown for my SFC plugin. Here’s what it looks like in 3.3-aortic-dissectionย right now (note that the look and feel of this will probably change before final):

SFC Help screen in WordPress 3.3

SFC Help screen in WordPress 3.3

As you can see, the dropdown Help menu moved into the Admin bar (along with lots of other stuff), and has some tabs on the left hand side where you can make different topics and such for different parts of the plugin.

The code for this is actually fairly straightforward, albeit in a sideways sort of way…

First we have to look at the code that adds my options page in the first place. This would work with any of the add_*_page functions, so add_theme_page and such works fine too.

add_action('admin_menu', 'sfc_admin_add_page');
function sfc_admin_add_page() {
	global $sfc_options_page;
	$sfc_options_page = add_options_page(__('Simple Facebook Connect', 'sfc'), __('Simple Facebook Connect', 'sfc'), 'manage_options', 'sfc', 'sfc_options_page');
	add_action("load-$sfc_options_page", 'sfc_plugin_help');

This makes an options page, and then uses the assigned identifier for that page to hook the load-* action. This means that when our page is loaded, the sfc_plugin_help function will get called.

function sfc_plugin_help() {
	global $sfc_options_page;
	$screen = get_current_screen();
	if ($screen->id != $sfc_options_page)

Here, we call get_current_screen() to get the current WP_Screen object. The WP_Screen object is new to 3.3, but essentially it encapsulates an admin screen. It’s still under active development, but in the long run, it may make the task of creating admin screens much, much easier.

Anyway, right away, I do one thing and that is to check if the ID of the current screen matches the ID I was given for my options page. If it doesn’t match, then the user isn’t on my screen, and so I return having done nothing at all. This is a sort of belt and suspenders approach, since we shouldn’t be here if load-$sfc_options_page didn’t get called, but it never hurts to be sure.

The next bit is where I add my help screens. Here’s an incomplete sample of that code:

$screen->add_help_tab( array(
	'id'      => 'sfc-base',
	'title'   => __('Connecting to Facebook', 'sfc'),
	'content' => "HTML for help content",

$screen->add_help_tab( array(
	'id'      => 'sfc-modules',
	'title'   => __('SFC Modules', 'sfc'),
	'content' => "HTML for help content",

$screen->add_help_tab( array(
	'id'      => 'sfc-login',
	'title'   => __('Login and Register', 'sfc'),
	'content' => "HTML for help content",

I removed the content for each one to make it clearer. Essentially, I’m just calling the object’s add_help_tab function to add my new tabs to the help screen, one by one. Simple, right?

There’s other useful bits in WP_Screen too, such as adding screen options, adding a right hand side sidebar to the help dropdown, and so forth. I haven’t figured out a use for them yet, but they’re still nice to see.

If you have a complex plugin or theme, might be worth looking into this now. Might reduce your need for end-user support. Maybe. Hard to say. People rarely look at the documentation, but inline help might be worth a shot.


Have you ever looked at the add_action function in WordPress? Here it is:

function add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1) {
	return add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args);

I know, right? Some people’s minds just got blown.

What are Filters?

A filter is defined as a function that takes in some kind of input, modifies it, and then returns it. This is an extremely handy little concept that PHP itself uses in a ton of different ways. About half the string functions qualify as a ‘filter’ function.

Look at strrev(). It’s a simple-stupid example. It takes a string as an argument, and then returns the reverse of that string. You could use it as a filter function in WordPress, easily. Like, to reverse all your titles.

add_filter('the_title', 'strrev');

Some filters take more than one argument, but the first argument is always the thing to be modified and returned. PHP adheres to this concept too. Take the substr() function. The first argument is the string, the second and third are the start and optional length values. The returned value is the part of the string you want.

What are Actions?

An action is just a place where you call a function, and you don’t really care what it returns. The function is performing some kind of action just by being called. If you hook a function to the init action, then it runs whenever do_action(‘init’) is called.

Now, some actions have arguments too, but again, there’s still no return value.

So in a sense, a WordPress action is just a filter without the first argument and without a return value.

So why have them both?

Because there is still a conceptual difference between an action and a filter.

Filters filter things. Actions do not. And this is critically important when you’re writing a filter.

A filter function should never, ever, have unexpected side effects.

Take a quick example. Here’s a thread on the WordPress support forums where a person found that using my own SFC plugin in combination with a contact form emailer plugin caused the email from the form to be sent 3-5 times.

Why did it do this? Basically, because the contact form plugin is sending an email inside a filter function.

One of the things SFC does is to build a description meta from the content on the page. It also looks through that content for images and video, in order to build meta information to send to Facebook. In order for this to happen at the right time, the plugin must call the_content filter.

See, what if somebody puts a link to a Flickr picture on their page? In that case, oEmbed will kick in and convert that link into a nice and pretty embedded image. Same for YouTube videos. Or maybe somebody is using a gallery and there’s lots of pictures on the resulting page, but the only thing in the post_content is the gallery shortcode.

In order to get those images from the content, SFC has to do apply_filters(‘the_content’,$post_content). This makes all the other plugins and all the other bits of the system process that $post_content and return the straight HTML. Then it can go and look for images, look for video, even make a pretty 1000 character excerpt to send to Facebook.

But SFC can’t possibly know that doing apply_filters(‘the_content’,…) will cause some other plugin to go and send a freakin’ email. That’s totally unexpected. It’s just trying to filter some content. That would be like calling the strrev() function and having it make a phone call. Totally crazy.


Shortcodes are a type of filter. They take in content from the shortcode, they return replacement content of some sort. They are filters, by definition. Always, always keep that in mind.

Also keep in mind that shortcodes are supposed to return the replacement content, not just echo it out.


So plugin authors, please, please, I’m begging you, learn this lesson well.

Filters are supposed to filter. Actions are supposed to take action.

When you mix the two up, then you cause pain for the rest of the world trying to interact with your code. My desk is starting to get covered in dents from me repeatedly banging my head into it because of this.
