Posts tagged ‘sfc’

Some people have been forwarding me this email message that they received from Facebook:

We currently detect that your app is using the old JavaScript SDK (FeatureLoader.js). This library will no longer work for authentication on February 1st, 2012 since it does not support OAuth 2.0. In May, we announced that all apps on Facebook need to support OAuth 2.0 by October 1st, 2011. Please upgrade to the new JavaScript SDK by February 1st, 2012 to avoid any disruption of service to your app.

The Simple Facebook Connect plugin has not used the FeatureLoader.js script since before version 1.0, which was released 5 months ago. Version 1.2 of SFC fully integrated OAuth 2.0 authentication, and it was released 5 weeks ago.

So if you’re getting this email from Facebook, upgrade SFC to the latest version. Problem solved.


Still getting emails about this one, so here’s a quick rundown on how to do it.

First, if you were already using a Fan Page, then you are not affected at all and don’t have to do anything. Please stop emailing me and asking for confirmation. Thanks. 🙂

Now, if you were using your Application’s Wall as your Page (like I was doing and even recommended), then Facebook is killing off the “Wall” of your Application. This is not a big deal, actually, and you can migrate your Fans to a new Page rather easily.

Step One: Create a new Page. Visit this page to do so. Note: You MUST select “Brand or Product”, and in the dropdown you MUST select “App”. This is not optional. You have to do this to migrate your Fans.

Also note that you must make the name of the Page EXACTLY THE SAME as the name of the application. This is important, don’t try to rename your stuff yet.

Step Two: After you’ve created the page, you’ll want to connect it to your site (using SFC, naturally). First, get the ID number of your new Page. You can find this in the URL of the “Edit Page” link on that Facebook Page. Once you have the ID number, put it into the “Facebook Fan Page” field on the SFC Settings screen and save. While you’re on this Edit Page link on Facebook, you can upload your logos, configure it, etc. Note: Do NOT select a new Vanity URL. The migration will migrate your old one if you had one.

Step Three: Configure SFC. If you’re using the Publisher, for example, you may have to click the grant permissions button again to have it get the new access token for the page. You may need to turn on auto-publishing to the page. Stuff like that. For the most part, SFC is pretty good at configuring itself for this, the Fan Box will automagically switch over, etc.

Step Four: Test. Make a new Post and see if it publishes to your Page. Try the Manual Publisher boxes. Verify that it’s working, basically. While you’re at it, you might go and manually publish some of your older posts to the Page, since the migration will not migrate the content on the wall.

Step Five: Migrate. Visit your application’s profile page. If you don’t see the box below, wait a day or two and it will eventually appear:

Use that migrate link and you’ll get a popup box allowing you to select a Page.

WARNING: If you get a popup that says “You don’t have any eligible Facebook Pages to migrate to”, then STOP RIGHT NOW. Do NOT click migrate. You only get one chance at this, if you mess it up then it’s broken forever.

If you have a Page, and it’s a “Brands or Products/App” page, and it has the EXACT same name as your Application, then you will be given a dropdown to select that Page. Otherwise, you’ll get the bad message. Click Cancel in such a case, fix your Page, and then try again. Only when you have the dropdown and have selected your page should you continue.

Step Six: Patience. Once you’ve selected your new Page and clicked Migrate (and remember, you only get one shot at this!), then after a while, a few things will happen:

a) Your Fans of the Application will slowly be migrated to be Fans of the new Page instead.

b) If you had a vanity URL on the Application Page and did not have one on the Fan Page, then the vanity URL will get migrated too.

c) Your Application Wall will disappear forever (this happens instantly) and any links to it will redirect to your Fan Page.

And that’s it. You’re done. Works fine with SFC. The next version of SFC will remove the publishing to Application Pages entirely, as well as the (now misleading) wording.



Facebook is getting rid of Application Profile Pages, and allowing people who are using them to transfer their subscribers to normal Fan Pages. SFC will be changing soon to adapt to this change, but the existing Fan Page support in SFC works fine and can be used right now.

I’ve tested out this migration process on one of my pages, and it works fine. Here’s what you have to do to make it work with SFC if you were not using a Fan Page already (note, if you were using a Fan Page already, then you’re done and must change nothing at all).

1. Create a new Fan Page in the Brands/Product -> App category.

2. Give it the same name as your App (exactly the same, mind you).

3. Set up the new fan page however you like. Take its ID number and put that into SFC, then use the Manual publisher to fill out the wall with some of the older posts (the wall content will NOT be migrated when you do the migration).

4. When you visit your app’s wall, you’ll get the migration message (eventually). You can use this to migrate all the people who have liked your application to having liked the new Fan Page. If you used a vanity URL, this will transfer also *if* you don’t put a vanity URL on the Fan Page.

After you’ve migrated the likes and changed SFC to be publishing to the Page, you can continue on as normal. Nothing else about SFC changes. Since Facebook will be eliminating App Profile Walls entirely in February, I’ll be removing support for them from SFC entirely before then. Expect that change to be in SFC 1.3.


I frequently get emails from users of SFC saying that their Like/Send buttons or Publish buttons are putting in weird content, or getting the wrong images, or things like that. Many presume it to be a bug in SFC itself or some kind of plugin incompatibility. Actually, it’s neither of those. You’re running into what I call the Facebook Cache.

See, Facebook does more than simply let you send things to their pages and so forth. More and more, they’re becoming a search engine. Facebook actually crawls the web, to some degree.

When you click a Facebook Like button, Facebook’s servers retrieve the webpage you’re viewing, and parse it for the OpenGraph meta tags. These tags tell Facebook what content to display for a link. The title, the image, maybe audio or video, etc. SFC does a pretty good job of automatically populating your entire website with these OpenGraph tags, invisibly (side note, Google+ will use these same tags, although they also have their own set of tags you can use too).

Generally, users who email me about this problem are just using SFC for the first time, and have previously had Like buttons on their page manually, or have been sharing their links on Facebook manually at some other point. This is where they run into the issue: Facebook caches the results of this crawl, usually for a long time. So when somebody clicks a Like button, it doesn’t have to pull the contents of the page if it’s already pulled those contents once before. So since SFC is now populating the OpenGraph meta tags, but FB is reading the cached version instead, the data doesn’t match up.

There’s a simple one-time fix for this problem. Facebook has made an OpenGraph debugger tool:

On this page, you’ll find a simple box asking for a URL. Put in the URL of the page having the problem, and the tool will go and force retrieve the content of the page and display the parsed OpenGraph meta tags.

Now, this is meant to be a debugging tool for people trying to add OpenGraph tags to their site, but it has a rather nice side-effect. When it forcibly retrieves the page, it also updates Facebook’s cached info for that URL. So all you have to do to make Facebook see your updated content is to take the problem URL, put it in there, and hit the Debug button. Now go back to the page, refresh it, and try the Like/Send button again. Voila, it’s magically fixed to show whatever the Debugger tool saw.

So if you’re having trouble getting some particular page to work in the way you’re expecting, try the debugger tool on the URL first.


Didn’t know about this one, but if you’re having a problem where the FB login buttons added by SFC don’t seem to do anything, try this:

  1. Go to and click on the App in question.
  2. In the left menu, under Settings, click Advanced and look at the settings in the Migrations section.
  3. Switch the “Encrypted Access Token” setting to ‘Enabled’.

Might fix the issue.



Seen this a couple of times on various sites and had a couple people ask me on Twitter about it.

Starting October 1st, Facebook will start requiring two new things:

1. OAuth 2.0 support. SFC has this in version 1.1, which will be released shortly (tomorrow, probably).

2. Canvas and Page Tab Applications will require HTTPS/SSL support.

Both of these are true.

However, some people are interpreting that second one to mean that you need to buy an SSL certificate for your own domain to use Facebook Connect type of functionality, like my plugin Simple Facebook Connect provides. This is false.

A “Canvas” application is one that runs on your site, but shows up on A “Page Tab” application is similar, but can show up anywhere on the website, depending on how it’s written (it makes a “tab” for somebody’s “Page”). Both of those have something in common: Your website’s contents are actually showing up on *

Simple Facebook Connect does neither of these things. SFC is a way for you to integrate Facebook connection functionality back into your own site. It can publish stories to Facebook, it can let users comment using Facebook, etc., but the whole point of it is to take things from FB and put them on your site. SFC does not enable your site to appear under the * domain name.

You do NOT need an SSL certificate to use SFC, and you will continue to not need one after October 1st.

You will, however, need to upgrade to SFC 1.1. Old versions, including 1.0, will cease to function.

SFC 1.1 will most likely be released tomorrow, and should be a painless upgrade from 1.0. Sorry for the delay.


Facebook recently made a breaking change to the developer process, which makes it impossible for new applications to get the correct API keys. Since this essentially broke all previous versions of SFC, I went ahead and pushed the beta version public. It’s still unfinished, but Facebook didn’t really give me a lot of choice.

So, this is a quick walkthrough of some of the new features of SFC 1.0.

Upgrade Process

The upgrade process is slightly more involved for this one. It is recommended that you deactivate the old SFC plugins before upgrading. Why? Well, if you don’t, you’ll get a bunch of errors when visiting the Plugins screen later, saying that all the old SFC plugins either don’t exist or have an invalid header. These errors are normal, because of the next feature:

One plugin only

No more sub-plugins

Simple Facebook Connect is now a single plugin, with modular features. If you examine the plugins screen, you’ll find only one entry: Simple Facebook Connect.

The many-plugins-in-one was a useful experiment, IMO, and I still think it’s a better way to do things. But many people find it confusing, and some have disagreed with the notion. A lack of useful core support for plugin dependencies and user feedback convinced me to switch it up. So now, SFC is one plugin. But it’s still modular!

Sub-module selections

As you can see in the image, you can still turn on and off pieces of the plugin. Why have a piece running and consuming valuable resources if you’re not using it? Turning a module off completely disables it in the code. And the core of SFC itself is still written modularly, for maximum performance (since integrating Facebook itself is such a drag on performance for a site to begin with).

Support for new Facebook code

Over a year ago, Facebook stopped supporting the original Facebook Connect libraries. This was a major problem for sites, however the old code still worked. So as time went on, and the old Connect libraries started to degrade and become less and less useful, SFC was rewritten from the ground up to use all the newer supported libraries. Facebook’s JS SDK is used. FB’s Graph API is used. The old Facebook REST Platform code is completely gone, as are the older incompatible Facebook Connect libraries. OpenGraph meta tags (including embed info for images and video) are inserted into the entire site, completely automatically, allowing Facebook to see the content of your site and act accordingly.

Many of the plugins themselves have been rewritten fairly extensively as well, but with this comes some removal of older code.

Faux Share button settings

The Share button is gone. It was previously implemented using the older Connect libraries, but with the newer libraries from Facebook, it’s been completely removed. There was just no good way to retain it, Facebook has simply dropped any and all support for it. So, in it’s place (because it was so handy) is a modified Like button, which can still look sorta like the old Share button. The SFC module is still named Share, for ease of transition. The Like button itself is still around too, so you can use both Like and Share to get two Like buttons on the same post, perhaps for different placement.

The Bookmark widget is gone. It simply isn’t supported anymore, and didn’t work anyway.

The Find on Facebook widget is gone. This didn’t do really anything special to begin with, other than place the Find Us image into a widget, with a link to the Facebook Page. The image it once used is still included in the plugin, for people that want to do this themselves via a text widget.

The Connect widget is gone, but may make a return in the next version, as soon as some bugs are sorted out.

The Upcoming Events widget is gone. It rarely worked properly to begin with, and the newer XFBML libraries doesn’t have support for it anymore. A alternate approach to this may make it back into the next version.

All the remaining widgets have been combined into a single module for use on the widgets screen. In addition, most of them still have a way to access them directly, such as from a function call in a theme.

Publisher settings

The Publisher has been simplified greatly. For one, auto-publishing now works even for Applications! The confusing permissions dialogs have been reduced to one. Colored indicators have been added, showing when the plugin has the necessary “tokens” from Facebook in order to be able to publish properly. The manual publishing functionality is still on the edit post screens too. And for those people using the auto-publish, a new system for pulling Facebook comments on their published posts back into the blog has been implemented.

For those who wanted it, Custom Post Type support has been added to the publisher as well. Any CPT marked as “public” gets shared like everything else.

Register screen

The Register system has been completely rewritten to take advantage of Facebook’s new register plugin functionality. It can handle standalone registrations, or registrations using Facebook information. It even adds a Facebook created captcha to prevent spam registrations.

Login has been improved. One of the most common complaints was “What does ‘User not recognized’ mean?” This should be severely reduced now, since the Login module will auto-detect existing users and automatically connect their local WP accounts with their FB accounts, when they try to login. This follows Facebook’s own Registration Flow Models for connecting users to sites.

The Comment system has been improved. The share-after-comment system now happens in the background, no extra popups for users to have to click on. The whole system is now using the Graph API, so no more strange javascript errors causing weirdness. Although there is still some javascript to display the user their picture and info after logging in, so it still has that same look and feel.

There’s a lot more too. I’ll be updating this post with new stuff soon!



Added a new feature that people have been asking me for since I created SFC to begin with: Comments Integration.

Facebook Comments

Facebook comments

When you make a post with SFC, the publisher plugin has the ability to push that post to either your Facebook Page or Profile. Up until now, the auto-publish feature has been doing this and storing meta-data with the post about the resulting “story” id that Facebook sends back. This data was stored, but not really used.

No longer. Now, if you auto-publish to Facebook, you have the option to pull comments back from that automatically published Facebook post and show them in the blog as if they were normal WordPress comments.

You can see this in action here on my own site. On the SFC 1.0 Photo Support post, you’ll find a comment at the bottom made by a user named “Kartsios Vasilis”. That comment wasn’t left here on this site, it was left on the Facebook story corresponding to that post. As you can see, the avatar for the user shows up on the comment, it’s styled differently (I felt the blue background sort of distinguished it), and it doesn’t have a reply link.

Since these aren’t “real” WP comments, and don’t live in the WP database, you can’t reply to them properly. So the reply link is automatically removed for them. I used a styling rule in the CSS to add the “This comment was originally made on Facebook, so replying to it here is not allowed.” message where the Reply link would normally be. Because this is just using a simple CSS style rule, you can make that message anything you like, or not have it at all. That’s up to you and your theme.

The new feature is relatively painless too. No configuration is needed. Every 6 hours (minimum), the plugin will retrieve the relevant comments from the Facebook posts, then store them as a transient. This reduces the amount of work since it doesn’t have to talk to Facebook every time. The comments are then integrated in with the normal comments for the post, and the comment count is updated to reflect the right number.

There’s still some minor detail work to be done. Right now, for example, the comments are just added onto the end of the list of comments, and so they’re out of order. The final version will have the comments integrated in correctly by the date and time they were made. Edit: This is now working, comments are added in the proper order.

If you want to use the beta version of SFC (currently marked as version 0.999) you can find it in the WordPress Plugins SVN repository.

Edit: The CSS to add this text, since people asked, is this:

li.comment.facebook .reply:before {
content:"This comment was originally made on Facebook."

Simple, really.


Progress on the new SFC continues. Added a new plugin to it this morning: Photos. It’s a simple little plugin, and not pretty yet, but it does work. 🙂

Here’s a couple of example screenshots:

Facebook Images

The selection screen (not pretty, but functional)

Example of the result

Example of the result

The plugin itself turns out actually to be quite simple. It turns out that adding to the media tabs is fairly straightforward with the existing WordPress functionality, and making links that insert things into the post code is not nearly as difficult as I thought it might be.

You can use the SFC beta version if you like. There’s a copy in the WordPress SVN directories. However, it’s buggy and unfinished and doesn’t have all the same functionality. But most of it works okay. Still needs polish before releasing it.

Note that all development on the old SFC 0.25 has ceased. I’m not making any further patches to it. If you want to upgrade now to the 0.999 beta version, feel free. Also, patches welcome.
