Have you ever looked at the add_action function in WordPress? Here it is:

function add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1) {
	return add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args);

I know, right? Some people’s minds just got blown.

What are Filters?

A filter is defined as a function that takes in some kind of input, modifies it, and then returns it. This is an extremely handy little concept that PHP itself uses in a ton of different ways. About half the string functions qualify as a ‘filter’ function.

Look at strrev(). It’s a simple-stupid example. It takes a string as an argument, and then returns the reverse of that string. You could use it as a filter function in WordPress, easily. Like, to reverse all your titles.

add_filter('the_title', 'strrev');

Some filters take more than one argument, but the first argument is always the thing to be modified and returned. PHP adheres to this concept too. Take the substr() function. The first argument is the string, the second and third are the start and optional length values. The returned value is the part of the string you want.

What are Actions?

An action is just a place where you call a function, and you don’t really care what it returns. The function is performing some kind of action just by being called. If you hook a function to the init action, then it runs whenever do_action(‘init’) is called.

Now, some actions have arguments too, but again, there’s still no return value.

So in a sense, a WordPress action is just a filter without the first argument and without a return value.

So why have them both?

Because there is still a conceptual difference between an action and a filter.

Filters filter things. Actions do not. And this is critically important when you’re writing a filter.

A filter function should never, ever, have unexpected side effects.

Take a quick example. Here’s a thread on the WordPress support forums where a person found that using my own SFC plugin in combination with a contact form emailer plugin caused the email from the form to be sent 3-5 times.

Why did it do this? Basically, because the contact form plugin is sending an email inside a filter function.

One of the things SFC does is to build a description meta from the content on the page. It also looks through that content for images and video, in order to build meta information to send to Facebook. In order for this to happen at the right time, the plugin must call the_content filter.

See, what if somebody puts a link to a Flickr picture on their page? In that case, oEmbed will kick in and convert that link into a nice and pretty embedded image. Same for YouTube videos. Or maybe somebody is using a gallery and there’s lots of pictures on the resulting page, but the only thing in the post_content is the gallery shortcode.

In order to get those images from the content, SFC has to do apply_filters(‘the_content’,$post_content). This makes all the other plugins and all the other bits of the system process that $post_content and return the straight HTML. Then it can go and look for images, look for video, even make a pretty 1000 character excerpt to send to Facebook.

But SFC can’t possibly know that doing apply_filters(‘the_content’,…) will cause some other plugin to go and send a freakin’ email. That’s totally unexpected. It’s just trying to filter some content. That would be like calling the strrev() function and having it make a phone call. Totally crazy.


Shortcodes are a type of filter. They take in content from the shortcode, they return replacement content of some sort. They are filters, by definition. Always, always keep that in mind.

Also keep in mind that shortcodes are supposed to return the replacement content, not just echo it out.


So plugin authors, please, please, I’m begging you, learn this lesson well.

Filters are supposed to filter. Actions are supposed to take action.

When you mix the two up, then you cause pain for the rest of the world trying to interact with your code. My desk is starting to get covered in dents from me repeatedly banging my head into it because of this.


Facebook recently made a breaking change to the developer process, which makes it impossible for new applications to get the correct API keys. Since this essentially broke all previous versions of SFC, I went ahead and pushed the beta version public. It’s still unfinished, but Facebook didn’t really give me a lot of choice.

So, this is a quick walkthrough of some of the new features of SFC 1.0.

Upgrade Process

The upgrade process is slightly more involved for this one. It is recommended that you deactivate the old SFC plugins before upgrading. Why? Well, if you don’t, you’ll get a bunch of errors when visiting the Plugins screen later, saying that all the old SFC plugins either don’t exist or have an invalid header. These errors are normal, because of the next feature:

One plugin only

No more sub-plugins

Simple Facebook Connect is now a single plugin, with modular features. If you examine the plugins screen, you’ll find only one entry: Simple Facebook Connect.

The many-plugins-in-one was a useful experiment, IMO, and I still think it’s a better way to do things. But many people find it confusing, and some have disagreed with the notion. A lack of useful core support for plugin dependencies and user feedback convinced me to switch it up. So now, SFC is one plugin. But it’s still modular!

Sub-module selections

As you can see in the image, you can still turn on and off pieces of the plugin. Why have a piece running and consuming valuable resources if you’re not using it? Turning a module off completely disables it in the code. And the core of SFC itself is still written modularly, for maximum performance (since integrating Facebook itself is such a drag on performance for a site to begin with).

Support for new Facebook code

Over a year ago, Facebook stopped supporting the original Facebook Connect libraries. This was a major problem for sites, however the old code still worked. So as time went on, and the old Connect libraries started to degrade and become less and less useful, SFC was rewritten from the ground up to use all the newer supported libraries. Facebook’s JS SDK is used. FB’s Graph API is used. The old Facebook REST Platform code is completely gone, as are the older incompatible Facebook Connect libraries. OpenGraph meta tags (including embed info for images and video) are inserted into the entire site, completely automatically, allowing Facebook to see the content of your site and act accordingly.

Many of the plugins themselves have been rewritten fairly extensively as well, but with this comes some removal of older code.

Faux Share button settings

The Share button is gone. It was previously implemented using the older Connect libraries, but with the newer libraries from Facebook, it’s been completely removed. There was just no good way to retain it, Facebook has simply dropped any and all support for it. So, in it’s place (because it was so handy) is a modified Like button, which can still look sorta like the old Share button. The SFC module is still named Share, for ease of transition. The Like button itself is still around too, so you can use both Like and Share to get two Like buttons on the same post, perhaps for different placement.

The Bookmark widget is gone. It simply isn’t supported anymore, and didn’t work anyway.

The Find on Facebook widget is gone. This didn’t do really anything special to begin with, other than place the Find Us image into a widget, with a link to the Facebook Page. The image it once used is still included in the plugin, for people that want to do this themselves via a text widget.

The Connect widget is gone, but may make a return in the next version, as soon as some bugs are sorted out.

The Upcoming Events widget is gone. It rarely worked properly to begin with, and the newer XFBML libraries doesn’t have support for it anymore. A alternate approach to this may make it back into the next version.

All the remaining widgets have been combined into a single module for use on the widgets screen. In addition, most of them still have a way to access them directly, such as from a function call in a theme.

Publisher settings

The Publisher has been simplified greatly. For one, auto-publishing now works even for Applications! The confusing permissions dialogs have been reduced to one. Colored indicators have been added, showing when the plugin has the necessary “tokens” from Facebook in order to be able to publish properly. The manual publishing functionality is still on the edit post screens too. And for those people using the auto-publish, a new system for pulling Facebook comments on their published posts back into the blog has been implemented.

For those who wanted it, Custom Post Type support has been added to the publisher as well. Any CPT marked as “public” gets shared like everything else.

Register screen

The Register system has been completely rewritten to take advantage of Facebook’s new register plugin functionality. It can handle standalone registrations, or registrations using Facebook information. It even adds a Facebook created captcha to prevent spam registrations.

Login has been improved. One of the most common complaints was “What does ‘User not recognized’ mean?” This should be severely reduced now, since the Login module will auto-detect existing users and automatically connect their local WP accounts with their FB accounts, when they try to login. This follows Facebook’s own Registration Flow Models for connecting users to sites.

The Comment system has been improved. The share-after-comment system now happens in the background, no extra popups for users to have to click on. The whole system is now using the Graph API, so no more strange javascript errors causing weirdness. Although there is still some javascript to display the user their picture and info after logging in, so it still has that same look and feel.

There’s a lot more too. I’ll be updating this post with new stuff soon!



Added a new feature that people have been asking me for since I created SFC to begin with: Comments Integration.

Facebook Comments

Facebook comments

When you make a post with SFC, the publisher plugin has the ability to push that post to either your Facebook Page or Profile. Up until now, the auto-publish feature has been doing this and storing meta-data with the post about the resulting “story” id that Facebook sends back. This data was stored, but not really used.

No longer. Now, if you auto-publish to Facebook, you have the option to pull comments back from that automatically published Facebook post and show them in the blog as if they were normal WordPress comments.

You can see this in action here on my own site. On the SFC 1.0 Photo Support post, you’ll find a comment at the bottom made by a user named “Kartsios Vasilis”. That comment wasn’t left here on this site, it was left on the Facebook story corresponding to that post. As you can see, the avatar for the user shows up on the comment, it’s styled differently (I felt the blue background sort of distinguished it), and it doesn’t have a reply link.

Since these aren’t “real” WP comments, and don’t live in the WP database, you can’t reply to them properly. So the reply link is automatically removed for them. I used a styling rule in the CSS to add the “This comment was originally made on Facebook, so replying to it here is not allowed.” message where the Reply link would normally be. Because this is just using a simple CSS style rule, you can make that message anything you like, or not have it at all. That’s up to you and your theme.

The new feature is relatively painless too. No configuration is needed. Every 6 hours (minimum), the plugin will retrieve the relevant comments from the Facebook posts, then store them as a transient. This reduces the amount of work since it doesn’t have to talk to Facebook every time. The comments are then integrated in with the normal comments for the post, and the comment count is updated to reflect the right number.

There’s still some minor detail work to be done. Right now, for example, the comments are just added onto the end of the list of comments, and so they’re out of order. The final version will have the comments integrated in correctly by the date and time they were made. Edit: This is now working, comments are added in the proper order.

If you want to use the beta version of SFC (currently marked as version 0.999) you can find it in the WordPress Plugins SVN repository.

Edit: The CSS to add this text, since people asked, is this:

li.comment.facebook .reply:before {
content:"This comment was originally made on Facebook."

Simple, really.


First, WordPress plugin authors: Please don’t do this.

if ( isset($_GET['resource']) && !empty($_GET['resource']) ) {
	$resources = array(
		'icon1.png' => '... base 64 encoded code ...',
		'icon2.png' => '... base 64 encoded code ...',

	if ( array_key_exists($_GET['resource'], $resources) ) {
		$content = base64_decode($resources[ $_GET['resource'] ]);
                header('Content-Length: '.strlen($content));
                header('Content-Type: image/png');
            	echo $content;

I’ve seen a few different versions of this, and while the idea is nice, this is really the wrong way to go about it.

The idea is to include small icons or images in the plugin file itself, instead of as separate files. This sort of code then lets you reference them by calling a URL of ?resource=icon1.png or whatever. When that resource variable is detected, the plugin kicks in and serves up the image instead of the site.

Advantages to this sort of thing:

  • No need for extra icon files

Disadvantages to this sort of thing:

  • Now every http request to get an icon file on your admin page results in loading up the WordPress code, causing extra CPU usage.

Here’s a better way. It’s called the Data URI.

<img src="" alt="Red dot" />

Here’s that code in action, right here: Red dot

Why this is better:

  • Same benefits as before, no need for extra icon files
  • No extra CPU load from loading WordPress to get that icon file
  • No extra HTTP requests at all, in fact, since the data for the tiny icon is contained right there in the code


  • Doesn’t work in IE7. You can work around this by detecting IE7 and serving up the image separately, if you really want. Or you can just ignore it like most people do. Seriously. IE7 is insecure (link, link) and nobody should be using it, anywhere. WordPress itself will probably drop IE7 support in the admin in the next couple of versions.

So use Data URIs for small images (under 32KB in size). They’re fast and easy. They’re an idea whose time has come.


Progress on the new SFC continues. Added a new plugin to it this morning: Photos. It’s a simple little plugin, and not pretty yet, but it does work. 🙂

Here’s a couple of example screenshots:

Facebook Images

The selection screen (not pretty, but functional)

Example of the result

Example of the result

The plugin itself turns out actually to be quite simple. It turns out that adding to the media tabs is fairly straightforward with the existing WordPress functionality, and making links that insert things into the post code is not nearly as difficult as I thought it might be.

You can use the SFC beta version if you like. There’s a copy in the WordPress SVN directories. However, it’s buggy and unfinished and doesn’t have all the same functionality. But most of it works okay. Still needs polish before releasing it.

Note that all development on the old SFC 0.25 has ceased. I’m not making any further patches to it. If you want to upgrade now to the 0.999 beta version, feel free. Also, patches welcome.


So I got this video from a friend, and I wanted to post it on my site, but I wanted to do it without using any Flash, or any plugins, and I wanted it to work on the iPhone, and Chrome, and Firefox, and IE…

Step 1: Convert the file.

First I took the file and used Miro Video Converter to make two versions of the file. The first version I made was using the “Theora” format. This is an Ogg format, and you basically only need to make it for the video to show up in Firefox. Future versions of Firefox will support the WebM format instead (Chrome supports it now), so when Firefox 4 comes out, use that format.

Next, use Miro again and this time make a version using the iPhone preset. This basically creates an MP4 version of the file, but at the right resolution to have it show up on the iPhone. Annoyingly, the original file was from an iPhone, so it should have played, but it wouldn’t on mine. I suspect that the resolution difference between the iPhone 4 (used to make the video) and the iPhone 3GS (which I have) is the problem. Regardless, I just used the preset to downscale the video resolution.

Step 2: Adjust WordPress’ settings

WordPress didn’t like me uploading these files. Turned out that it was because I’m on multisite. In the Network Admin screen, find the Network Settings menu option, go to the bottom of the page, and add the mp4 and ogv extensions to the list of allowed files. Also add webm while you’re there, for the future.

Note: If you’re not on multisite but still have problems uploading the files, then add this line of code to your wp-config.php file, to turn on the unfiltered_upload capabilities for administrators:


Step 3: Check .htaccess settings

One of the things WordPress relies on to know if it’s a video or not is the MIME Type. Some servers have these properly configured, some don’t. Doesn’t hurt to help the process along by explicitly defining some of them in the .htaccess file. For good measure, I added a bunch of common ones, just to be sure:

AddType text/xml .xml
AddType video/mp4 .mp4 .m4v
AddType video/mpeg .mpeg .mpg
AddType video/quicktime .mov
AddType video/ogg .ogv
AddType video/webm .webm
AddType audio/mp4 .m4a .m4b .m4r
AddType audio/mpeg .mp3
AddType audio/playlist .m3u
AddType audio/x-scpls .pls
AddType audio/ogg .ogg
AddType audio/wav .wav

Step 4: Upload the videos

Easy one. Go into the Media->Library and upload your two videos. After doing that, get the URLs of both of them.

Step 5: Make the post

Make a new post and type in everything you want to type in. Then make sure you’re in the HTML editing mode, and add this code to the post:

<video width="640" height="360" controls>
  <source src="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/video.mp4" type='video/mp4'></source>
  <source src="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/video.ogv" type='video/ogg'></source>

There’s a few things there you’ll need to manually edit.

Obviously the URLs need to point to your files. Also, it’s important that the MP4 one is first, some older iPad software doesn’t like it otherwise.

The second one is the width and height. Now, like with posting images, these don’t have to exactly match the actual width and height of the video. The browser will use these sizes and scale the video accordingly. However, you’ll want to get the aspect ratio correct, so you don’t stretch or squish the video into the wrong sized box. And you can leave the height and width out entirely to not scale it, if you got your sizes correct in the video itself. But it’s a good idea to have them there regardless, to clue the browser into the size beforehand and speed up page rendering. Also note that the iPhone doesn’t care about those width and height tags, since it will just show the video full screen when you tap on it.

Sidenote: Do NOT switch into Visual mode. TinyMCE will muck up this code, badly, and try to add a SWF player to it and Flash and a bunch of other stuff. This is probably by design, but I wanted to do this without Flash at all and see how that worked. Turns out to work fine in the browsers I tested.

Finally, preview and publish as normal.


One thing I haven’t figured out is how to target the iPhone specifically with a separate file. With this setup, Chrome and IE are now showing the iPhone file, which is lower resolution than the OGV file (which is at original resolution). In this specific case, the video was poor and so it doesn’t make much difference, but I’d prefer to have a separate file specified that only iPhones used without having to resort to user agent targeting.

EDIT: Turns out you can do this with a media query on the source that targets the iPhone. So here’s my new code:

<video width="640" height="360" controls>
  <source src="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/video.iphone.mp4" type='video/mp4' media='only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)'></source>
  <source src="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/video.mp4" type='video/mp4'></source>
  <source src="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/video.ogv" type='video/ogg'></source>

The media attribute lets you specify a CSS3 Media Query. The max-device-width of 480px = iPhone. So desktop browsers will use the video.mp4 while the iPhone uses the video.iphone.mp4. I’ve confirmed that this works properly with Chrome.

It’s interesting to see that browsers can do this reasonably well, even if you do have to make a few different versions of the video.

Shortcode Plugin

At the suggestion of ipstenu in the comments below, I made this into a shortcode plugin. You can download it here:
HTML5 Video Shortcode.

This plugin has the advantage of being ignored by TinyMCE. 🙂


Was trying to upload some photos and noticed that the captions I had set on the photos in Picasa showed up as titles in WordPress instead of as captions. Examining the core code, I found that it’s a known issue, but that fixing it in the core isn’t so easy, since WordPress has to support a number of different image editing programs and such. Different programs use the EXIF fields in different ways.

But I mostly use Picasa for photo management, so I don’t care about those other programs. So I wrote a quick plugin to fix the problem with WordPress and Picasa photos. Basically it just rejiggers the attachment when it’s added (but not when it’s edited) and puts the caption in the right place.

Plugin Name: Picasa Captioner
Description: Fix up WordPress to read Picasa Captions from EXIF info properly.
Author: Otto
Author URI: http://ottodestruct.com/

add_filter( 'wp_read_image_metadata', 'picasa_adjust_caption' );
function picasa_adjust_caption($meta) {
	if (empty($meta['caption']) && !empty($meta['title'])) {
		$meta['caption'] = $meta['title'];
		$meta['title'] = '';
	return $meta;

add_action( 'add_attachment', 'picasa_adjust_attachment' );
function picasa_adjust_attachment($id) {
	$attachment = & get_post( $id, ARRAY_A );
	if ( !empty( $attachment ) ) {
		$attachment['post_excerpt'] = $attachment['post_content'];
		$attachment['post_content'] = '';

While looking at my backlinks today, I noticed a site in French had linked to my post about making photo galleries. He mentioned that the Google Translate wasn’t great. I took a look, and while I don’t know how good the text translation was, I did notice that Google strangely tried to translate the code as well, thus screwing it all up.

A quick search revealed that all one had to do was to add the “notranslate” class to any wrapping object to prevent its contents from being translated.

Now, I use the Syntax Highligher Evolved plugin to display code on my site (although I use an older version because I like the look and functionality of it better than the latest version). So I edited the plugin and found where it inserts the PRE tag, and added the notranslate class to it. And voila, now my code doesn’t get translated anymore.

Just a helpful tip for anybody who posts code on their sites.
