(Note to future readers: This is fixed in WordPress 3.3, so this article is now out-of-date. See http://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/18541 for the patch.)

I was not aware that other people didn’t know about this until recently, but since it seems to be little known, I thought I’d write a post on the topic.

Chain LinksIn WordPress, you should never start the custom permalink string with any of these %postname%, %category%, %tag%, or %author%. (Unless you know what you’re doing, of course. 🙂 )

Meaning that “%category%/%postname% ” is a bad custom permalink string. So is just “%postname%” for that matter.

Why? Well, it has to do with how the WordPress Rewrite system works.

Rewriting Explained

See, when you request a URL from a WordPress site, WordPress gets the URL and then has to parse it to determine what it is that you’re actually asking for.

It does this by using a series of rules that are built whenever you add new content to WordPress. Generally the list of rules is pretty small, but there are specific cases that can cause it to balloon way out of control.

Normal Rules

Let’s say you’re using a normal permalink string, like my preferred “%year%/%postname%”. The rules that are generated will look like this:

/robots.txt (for the privacy settings)
/feed/* (for normal feeds of any kind)
/comments/* (for comments feeds)
/search/* (pretty url for searches, not often used)
/category/%category% (category archives)
/tag/%tag% (tag archives)
/author/%author% (author archives)
/%year%/%month%/%day% (with each of those after year being optional)
/%year%/%postname% (this is the permalink string you define)
/%pagename% (any Page)

The way that system works is that it compares the URL it has to each of those in turn, from the top to the bottom. When one of them fits, then WordPress knows what to display and how to do it.

Note that the order I listed those in is is significant. Each one from the top down is less specific than the previous one.  For example, “robots.txt” matches only that, while “/feed/*” matches anything starting with /feed/. And so on down the list. The %postname%, %category%, %tag%, %author%, and %pagename% will match any string, but the other WordPress % ones will only match numeric fields. Like %year% is always a number.

Notice that the last one is %pagename%. This basically matches everything, because %pagename% can be anything at all. Even hierarchical pages like /plugins/whatever/something will cause this to match. It’s the fall-through position. And then, if that page doesn’t actually exist on your site, then this causes the query to trigger the 404 condition internally, which causes your theme’s 404.php to load up.

Pretty simple and straightforward, really.

Problem Rules

The problem comes in when you try to use a non-number for the beginning of your permalink string. Let’s examine those last two rules closer:

/%year%/%postname% (this is the permalink string you define)
/%pagename% (any Page)

What if you used “%category%/%postname%” for your custom permalink string? Now those last two rules are these:

/%category%/%postname% (this is the permalink string you define)
/%pagename% (any Page)

That violates our main rule, doesn’t it? That each one should be less specific than the one above it? Because %category% can match any string too, just like the %pagename% can… With this set of rules, there’s no way to view any of the Pages. Not good.

So, WordPress detects this condition and works around it. Internally, this sets a flag called “use_verbose_page_rules”, and that triggers the rewrite rebuild to make this set of rules instead:

/robots.txt (for the privacy settings)
/CCC (one of these for each of your Pages)
/feed/* (for normal feeds of any kind)
/comments/* (for comments feeds)
/search/* (pretty url for searches, not often used)
/category/%category% (category archives)
/tag/%tag% (tag archives)
/author/%author% (author archives)
/%year%/%month%/%day% (with each of those after year being optional)
/%category%/%postname% (this is the permalink string you define)

Now we have basically the same set of rules, except for those new ones at the top. Every Page now gets its own very specific rule, and this satisfies our main condition once again.


But what if you have a lot of Pages? I once read a post by a person who had over 50,000 Pages on his site. That is a special case obviously, but consider our lookup system. We’re going through these rules one at a time. With our first method, our rule list was only 10 rules, maximum. With this new method, you add a rule for every single Page you make. Going through 50,000 rules takes a lot longer than going through 10. And even just building that list of rules can take a long time.

Basically you’ve created a performance issue. Your Pages now won’t scale to unlimited numbers. Your site’s speed is linearly dependent on the number of Pages you have.

This is a bad thing.


Firstly, it’s really not any better for SEO to have the category in there, or to have just the postname there by itself. And anybody who tells you differently is wrong. If you disagree with me, then no, I’m not interested in arguing this point with you; you’re just wrong, period, end of discussion.

Secondly, shorter links are great and all, but hell, why not use a real shortlink? WordPress 3.0 now has a ShortLink API that defaults to using ?p=number links on your own domain. These will actually work for any WordPress site, even ye back unto WordPress 2.5. WordPress 3.0 just makes it nicer and easier to use these with the Shortlink API (as well as allowing plugins to make this automagically use services like wp.me or bit.ly). So use that instead.

The conclusion is, in general, just don’t do it. Leave a number, or something static, at the beginning of your permalink string and you’ll never have any sort of problems. But if you really MUST do this sort of thing, then keep your number of Pages low. Don’t try it when you have more than, say, 30-50 Pages.


Okay, so I actually simplified things for this post. It’s actually worse than this, as verbose page rules can add much more than one rule per page, as this post demonstrates (he gets 11 per extra page!).



  1. […] wrote a post expanding on this a bit. http://ottopress.com/2010/category-i…dered-harmful/ Nothing to See Here | Otto on […]

  2. if you have a website with the keyword “seo” in the domain then a post written on effective article titles under the category “article marketing”, how can using the %category%/%post%/ not be of benefit to seo? I completely disagree with you on that one. Keywords in the url are taken into consideration by Google…

    • Google cares about content, not keywords. And the URL is just an identifier to them. You’d better focus spending your time on making your content semantically structured properly, with things like H1 and H2 and H3 and so forth. Google DOES assign more weight to headers and such and those will give you far more SEO benefit than screwing with your URL structure ever will.

      Content matters. Context does not.

      • Check out the talk given by Google’s Matt Cutts at WordCamp 2009 (a video of the talk is available at Matt’s blog). Matt was very clear: Google looks at the words in the URLs of your posts and uses them as factor in determining relevance, and therefore he advises using %postname% in your WordPress permalinks.

        • I’ve seen that and traded emails with Matt Cutts on this topic. He doesn’t advise using ONLY %postname%.

          There’s nothing wrong with using postname. Just use something else at the beginning of the string. Look at this site, I use %year%/%postname%. Works fine.

  3. Hey Otto, I understand your advice. Thanks for explaining a potential problem.

    For those of us who use WordPress as a CMS for web sites and for catalogs, your numeric-first approach is awkward to do.

    Would a plugin (action hook) be possible to catch all that filtering? The plugin could avoid all the rules with its own set of rules.

    Just wondering how we could scale to a catalog that would have more than a 1000-records of custom post types. (Such as a Movie catalog).

    Thanks! 🙂

    • It’s not necessarily “numeric-first”. I just prefer it that way. Really, it’s “anything but those 4 items” first. A custom permalink of “post/%postname%” would be perfectly acceptable, as it fits the “less specific” rule as well.

      Edit: I was wrong. Static text doesn’t prevent the problem. Use a number field, like post_id or year.

      • Thanks for your explanations of this issue, Otto. Rather than using a changing number field like post_id or year, would a static number in the permalink (like /1/%postname/) also avoid potential problems, unlike static text?

  4. woops I’ve always used just the url followed by the postname, guess I’ll have to revise that.
    Nice post Otto.

  5. […] permalink structures, and without me trying to babble my way through, i’d rather refer you here to Otto’s post regarding permalinks and the rewrite rules, which certainly has taken my […]

  6. Hey Otto,

    Now you said dont use the %category%/%postname% unless “you know what your doing”

    If you look at this site for example http://net.tutsplus.com/ to me it looks like they use the above structure to display thier posts, this site is massive so how are they getting away with the performance issues?

    Also I have seen on large sites that the page dosent seem to fully load until you scroll down, is this for performance?


    • They’re probably not using many (or any) Pages, so they don’t really have to worry about it too much.

      It’s really the large numbers of Pages that cause the issue. If you don’t have any Pages, then this doesn’t matter.

      • oh so its Pages, if your site is built of mainly posts then could /%category%/%postname%/ be used?

        Could you force pages to use a different permalink to the posts?

        • No, it’s sort of a combo deal… Having large numbers of Pages AND using one of those things at the start of the permalink string is the cause of the issue. Don’t do both of those together and you have no real problem.

          • cool thanks for clearing that up 🙂

            Cant wait to test out the Twitter Connect i havent had chance to look at the SFC or twitter one in a while 🙂

            I have a new project on that is aimed at Students so want the best use of Social Media tools

            Do you know if in WP3 URL’s are different, I have read about use of sub domains and built in WPMU – im hanging on for WP3 before i launch my next site

          • The Multi-Site stuff in 3.0 does behave differently, but the same basic issue with verbose page rules still exists.

  7. I never knew this so thanks for writing about it. The trouble I am having is that if I update the permalink structure on my site with 758 posts and 17 pages, the posts can’t be found. You get the “Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete” message. I alos tried using Dean’s permalink migration plugin and that did not help. So I set it back to /%category%/%postname%/ and all is fixed for now. Why does it not let me change the permalink to one with the recommended numerical start? Thanks!

  8. This is an interesting subject. I’m doing some work on updating my WP-driven site, and had contemplated adjusting the default permalinks to include ‘blog’ at the start, so that post URLs would appear to be within a blog section of the site. If the text at the start of the custom permalink is static, does that avoid the performance issue that would occur if using %category%?

    At the same time, would that affect _page_ permalinks? I have a number of pages already, and may be adding a bit of a hierarchy, possibly making use of custom types. Would these be affected by the permalink settings, or are they independent?

  9. Thanks for a good write up of the problem. This is the clearest I have seen.

    Once quick question, if I add some static text to my permalink structure so that I end up with the following domain.com/archive/%postname% will that solve the issue?

    The reason I ask is that when looking here:

    Denis-de-Bernardy comments that there is a separate bug that affects such permalimks, but doesn’t elaborate. Any idea what he was talking about?

    • I have no idea what he’s talking about there, but verbose rules only get enabled when you have one of those things at the start of the permalink. Adding a static string to the front avoids the problem.

      • Thanks for that. That is what made sense to me. And that is what I am going to do.

      • How can you check if verbose rules are enabled?

        If I use /%year%/%postname%, the rewrite_rules value in wp_options is an array with 79 elements. If I use /view/%postname%, the array is 689 elements.

        It seems like using a static string at the front still causes verbose rules to be triggered. Instead you need to use %year%, %month%, %day% or %post_id%.

        • Sorry for the quick follow up, but indeed it looks like WP 3.0.1 doesn’t care about a static string. It decides whether to use verbose rules based on the first structure tag (e.g. %year%), even if it is after a static string.

          The piece of code that decides, line 1984 of wp-includes/rewrite.php:

          if ( preg_match("/^[^%]*%(?:postname|category|tag|author)%/", $this->permalink_structure) )
          $this->use_verbose_page_rules = true;
          $this->use_verbose_page_rules = false;

          For those fluent in regular expressions, the preg_match ignores everything up to the first % (including static strings). If the first structure tag is postname, category, tag or author, than verbose rules are enabled, otherwise they are disabled.

          If you are willing to patch core, you could make the code behave like this post describes by changing the above code to:

          if ( preg_match("/^\/?%(?:postname|category|tag|author)%/", $this->permalink_structure) )
          $this->use_verbose_page_rules = true;
          $this->use_verbose_page_rules = false;

  10. I like the idea of Permalinks for Posts to start with blog and then the title of the blog. But I would like to have my Page Permalinks with names based on the page names rather than just the default numbers. My site has about 50 pages now. Perhaps it will grow to 100 over time, but not much more. How would I do this?

    • I don’t understand the question. Pages are always at the root level. Like example.com/pagename. This is fixed and unalterable.

      If you want your posts to start with blog, then set the permalink string to blog/%postname% or what have you.

  11. I’m a complete WP novice, but I read the article and other people’s responses with great interest. I believe this was touched on, but want to be sure before I proceed with my first site. I was considering the following for permalinks:


    Because I plan on referencing posts on my site from printed materials, it would be easier for someone to type in sitename.com/2010/1234/ than a long, hyphenated URL, since I believe that even if you leave the postname off of the URL, it will take you to the same post as if you included the postname (sitename.com/2010/1234/this-is-the-name-of-the-post/). And when clicking from within the site, the postname would be in the URL (as above), helping SEO.

    I could also leave off %year% or include %month%, no?

    Is this logical, or am I making a newbie error with dire consequences?

  12. Hi Otto – it’s Brian again. Another excellent article on WP nitty-gritty setup.

    It seems that almost everyone else is suggesting /%category%/%postname%/ for a Permalink structure, and I am glad that you have taken the time to explain why this is a bad idea.

    Would /%post_id%/%category%/%postname%/ be a better Permalink structure, for those people who insist on having /%category%/%postname%/ in their URL?

    This structure begins with a number, and does not seem to be unadvisable in the Codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks?PHPSESSID=b2c1824c59a06e7f2f2697e4b499a974

    Doesn’t the Post ID already tell WP exactly what content to find in the database and display to the user? Then the additonal /%category%/%postname%/ at the end of the link would simply be for show, SEO, etc.

    Thanks again!

    • This would be a good way of getting around it, but now with WordPress 3 and its custom post types what happen now?

      The way I have seen custom post types work is for example you have a Real Estate website, and posted a property to Rent, the structure would be http://www.example.com/rent/postname/ ?

      And that dosent have numbers

      • Custom post type URLs are like Pages and subject to the same issues as Pages are. The Custom Permalink string only applies to real posts, but if you use custom post types, and start your custom string with one of those four, you will get this same performance issue.

        Just don’t do it. It’s that simple.

      • an even better idea, might be:

        Where %MLS_id% is the Multiple Listing Service id number of the property, and %category% is ‘for-rent’, ‘for-sale’, or ‘residential’, ‘commercial’, etc.

        Now, how would you go about defining a %MLS_id% structure tag in WordPress?

        • add_rewrite_tag(‘MLS_id’,'[0-9]+’) would do the trick, I think. You’d have to add it using a function hooked to the init action. Your code could then retrieve the incoming variable with get_query_var(‘MLS_id’);. This is a bit of advanced rewrite programming, of course.

    • As long as you don’t start with one of those four things, it’s fine.

  13. The advice here is great for new blogs, but for long existing sites that used “%category%/%postname%” from the start it is not so easy. I have talked to a few other people besides myself that tried to change this and we all have the problem that all posts published previous to the permalink change can’t be found. Does anyone have a link to instructions to changing the permalink string on an existing site? Thanks.

  14. […] in your WordPress permalinks is not a smart idea. In fact, it can do more harm than good. Otto explains in “Category in Permalinks Considered Harmful:”In WordPress, you should never start the custom permalink string with any of these […]

  15. Would there be any drawback/issue to using a permalink structure of %post_id%-%postname%? I see people often talking about using %post_id%/%postname%, but not-so-much the former. I think it would be beneficial in a couple ways.. 1) The link starts with a numerical value. 2) It points to the root level, and not inside a “folder” at the root level (like the latter arrangement — example.com/444/my-blog-post). So what’s the problem with example.com/444-my-blog-post?

    I’ve tested it out and it SEEMS to work, but I’m sorta cautious since I can’t find a lot of support for this structure. My thought was that it might get confused if you had numbers in the title of a post. But I tested this out too and it worked. I had something like “Hello World” >> example.com/1-hello-world. And I created a post with the title “1 Hello World”. It came out as example.com/2-1-hello-world.

    Is there a problem that could arise I’m just not thinking about?

  16. Hi Otto

    For us relative newcomers to WP and just starting up our sites, would
    “%post_id%/%category%/%postname%” perhaps be the best approach in that it eliminates the internal WP problems you speak off, has some seo value, and would be understood?

    Thanks Otto


  17. Hi Otto

    If u don’t mind, please consider looking at this for a bit.

    – I have around 300 Pages and Zero Post.
    – with only %postname% structure.
    – My sites is on a cheap shared host and I have WP super cache installed.

    After reading your article here, I wonder why my site still operates normally.

    because it doesn’t have any post in it ( just yet ) ?
    or it’s WP super cache ?

    and suppose, I decide to have posts as well in the future.
    Can I use /0/%postname% ?
    ( the number zero and then postname )

    or it must be more than one digit number ?


    • Oh no, it will work fine, it’ll just be rather slow because of the work it has to do with that sort of structure. At some point, you’ll run into a wall where it just bogs down too much.

      • Thank you very much for this article.

        I admit that after reading your article, I’m in fear of my site went down if I keep adding Pages ( now almost 300 pages.) I will have to change the permalink structure at some point soon to avoid performance issue mentioned above.

        But, in case, if WordPress come up with a new rewrite system ( I saw a few tickets about this in the trac ) that would be really really great because then a lot of people including me don’t have to change anything to the sites that they already have made.

  18. Otto, what do you think of this technique as a way to avoid the performance issue and use the /%category%/%postname% structure?

    Don’t specify a category base. Use WP No Category Base. Add what you would have used as a category base to the permalink structure as a text string prefix.

    In my case, I want to use as the base the string topics so the structure would be topics/%category%/%postname%.html.

  19. Top Level Categories (Filipe Fortes) is an alternative to WP No Category Base.

    Any chance of a reply, Otto?

    • That doesn’t solve the problem. The performance issue will be there regardless, if you start the permalink string with one of the things I mention above.

      Note that for it to be a problem also requires you to have lots of Pages. If you don’t have those too, then it’s not really an issue.

  20. I don’t understand why starting my permalink structure with topics (i.e., /topics/%category%/%postname%.html) with no Category base doesn’t implement your recommendation to leave a number, or something static, at the beginning of the permalink string.

    Why doesn’t that qualify as something static?

    What am I missing?

  21. I run a local business directory, my current permalink uses the postname. Now I’m worried about what to use because the structure of the post should really be “location”, “business category” “business name”.. now how do I get this to work. I’m also using the new wordpress multi-site and the annoying thing is “/blog/” keeps getting in the way and ruining my permalink structure causing the post to go in 404.php.

    I really need help with this.

  22. […] Category in Permalinks Considered Harmful » Otto on WordPress. Bookmark, Share and Enjoy: […]

  23. Thank you very much otto for this very insightful article.

    You mentioned about starting the permalink of a blog post with a number. I have tried using mysite.com/%post_id%/%postname%/ and I think there is a bug. As the blog post can be viewed on mysite.com/%post_id%/%postname%/ as well as mysite.com/%post_id%/. It doesn’t redirect.

    Am I missing something or is there a work around on this?

    • If you use post id, then that’s specific enough for it to be able to find the post, and so it will work with just the number.

      It should redirect due to the canonical URL handler, but perhaps you have a plugin or something else that disabled that.

  24. Otto I have a question about building a large site structure.

    The structure has 3 levels
    1) Buy / Rent
    2) State (%postname% Or Static)
    3) City (%postname% Or Static)

    What I was planning to do would be do create pages within pages for every level using custom permalinks Rent/Arizona/Phoenix. I am trying to understand what would be the best way to set up the site structure using Categorizes, Pages and Posts. Is it beneficial to use them all together such as?:

    1) Catagory
    2) Page
    3) Post

    Or to keep them all as Pages and not use custom links at all and let tiny links control them?

    The site will have 1500+ Pages and I would like to do what will best perform for the site.

    Any help with this question will be greatly appreciated!

  25. Do these same rules apply to taxnoomies and post-types structures? I feel there is no documentation or follow-up or warning for taxonomy and post-type pages, and these will be used a whole lot more in the future and become a problem for some people ( who are now starting to use WP as a CMS).

    Just wanted to know. Thx, Otto!

  26. […] Category in Permalinks Considered Harmful […]

  27. hi otto,

    you seem to be pretty knowledgeable about wordpress rewriting, so maybe you can shed some light for me on a related problem i am having.

    i do use the dreaded “/%category%/%postname%” permalink structure, but there are very few pages, so not worried about performance there.

    i have created categories for each us state, and i have created posts for each city within each state. that makes a bit over 30,000 posts, distributed between 50 categories. and my urls look like: mbr.com/new-york/albany

    so far so good. the problem occurs here:

    on my “category” pages – say, /new-york – i want to have a list of links to cities, but paginated since there are so many. when i use the normal wordpress mechanisms, i end up with pagination links that look like this:


    these pagination links result in 404 errors. i assume that has something to do with the permalink structure. i can’t figure out how to catch the request before wordpress interprets the url and decides it is a page not found.

    any ideas GREATLY appreciated.

    thanks much,


  28. What about using caching plugins like Total Cache or Super Cache?

    Do these plugins, because they are caching the pages, get around this issue?

    I don’t particularly want to add rewrite rules for all my posts so I can add the %year% at the beginning…

  29. […] There’s no way to tell how many times that link has been clicked. 2. As Otto points out, having too many pages can be a serious performance […]

  30. Looks like i made some mistakes in the past… why was i never taught that? Do you know of a german version of your article or may i translate it and use it on one of my blogs and link back to you as the source? Thanks for the info about this issue.

  31. […] By using custom post types with 301 redirects rather than the traditional page redirect method you avoid any potential performance issues. For more on that, Otto has a great explanation. […]

  32. You mentioned some valuable incite into how the wordpress pattern matching rules work, but which mysql column are they stored in ?

    If we could pull those rules periodically, it could give the developers a way to check, and anticipate the exponential weigh-down of rules. I have hit a wall with 3000 pages, and wondered why.

    The ability to check this and manipulate the data would be very helpful,

    can you provide the answer in the form of a database pull?


    use database; select * from wp_options where option_value=’rewrite_rules’;

    ( i tried that one )

  33. I mean, there is a column called “rewrite_rules”, but it is empty

    I have /%post_name%/ for posts, and published posts/pages on the subject blog for this test (v3.0.1)

    the mysql query returns null,

    mysql> select * from wp_options where option_value=’rewrite_rules’;
    Empty set (0.01 sec)


    anyone know?

  34. How to pull rewrite rules from mysql:

    mysql> select * from wp_options where option_name=’rewrite_rules’;

    Character count of wp_options where name=’rewrite_rules’
    ( no attachements uses, aka pictures in posts etc )

    We can guess that the gap between results will widen with increased post numbers.

    Test result: delete all pages if using /%post_name%/ or /%category%/%post_name%/

    url format: /%post_name%/

    — tests —

    31 posts, 5 pages,
    rewrite rules= 12411


    31 posts, 5 pages in trash
    rewrite rules= 10698


    31 posts
    rewrite rules= 5313

    url format: /3344444333/%post_name%/

    31 posts
    rewrite rules= 5793

    url format: /%year%/%post_name%/

    31 posts
    rewrite rules= 6715 ( snuck up 1000 characters over static )

    url format: /%category%/%post_name%/

    31 posts
    rewrite rules= 6715

  35. This is very interesting Josh.

    It’s interesting in a negative way, to me.
    I use WordPress as a CMS, so my site has hundreds of pages and counting.

    How many rewrite rules would it be for a WP site with, let’s say, 10K pages ?

    What is the maximum Pages that WP can handle without any problem ( from rewrite rules ) ?

  36. So I became unclear about something, I will have tons of posts (9000s) but will have very few pages, I still should not do just %postname%, or that’s only if I have tons of pages?

    • From this post:

      “The conclusion is, in general, just don’t do it. Leave a number, or something static, at the beginning of your permalink string and you’ll never have any sort of problems. But if you really MUST do this sort of thing, then keep your number of Pages low. Don’t try it when you have more than, say, 30-50 Pages.”

  37. […] much head scratching I would go with Sarah’s advice. She is basing it on this post by Otto on WordPress and I think he makes a convincing argument. The thing is, so long as you make sure you include […]

  38. […] much head scratching I would go with Sarah’s advice. She is basing it on this post by Otto on WordPress and I think he makes a convincing argument. The thing is, so long as you make sure you include […]

  39. I converted all my pages to posts, and now have a nice 5k or so rewrite rule.

    Use php to get the category slug of current page, then use that to include custom files into single.php, then you have customizable templates.

    So pages are good, posts are good in any format, just plan using the dynamics that we have explored here and you can do whatever.

  40. […] There’s no way to tell how many times that link has been clicked. 2. As Otto points out, having too many pages can be a serious performance […]

  41. […] Unfortunately, because of the way WordPress works, having a text variable such as the post name, category, tag or author can cause huge performance problems if you have more than a handful of pages beyond your blog posts. (You can find the technical explanation why here.) […]

  42. Hi,

    Wish somebody told me this 3 years ago. Anyone here succefully changed the url structure on a larger site? I have about 60 pages and 200 posts and feel very afraid that google will go bananas when i try to fiddle with the structure. I know 301s work pretty well but this much at the same time is scary.

  43. So you say there is no benefit of seo having post name in url? But there is a LOT of benefit of having postname in url if you are using adsense.

    Try this:
    Take any new domain timbuktu.com and if you have a post for which the url is timbuktu.com?p=7 you will get junk ads.

    Now try timbuktu.com/car-insurance-save-on-car-insurance
    you will get beautiful insurance ads.

    Now edit just the post slug and change it to some thing else.

    Lo and behold, you will have software ads displayed by Google.

    So what about established domains or domains where google has already spidered and supposedly knows what the content is. It should not help … right? Wrong.

    I had a two year old stock market investing blog that I rarely updated. When I slapped adsense, I got absolutely unrelated junk ads (on a page which google sends me quite some traffic).

    I changed the permalink to /category/postname and put these posts in category stock market. Guess what happened? Within two seconds google was showing all correct ads!

  44. My bad. I think I misunderstood. In fact for many of my sites I use postid-postname as permalink. As long as the url contains the postname, my experience has been that any permalink structure is as good as any other.

    • Agreed. It’s good to have the postname in the URL, but it doesn’t really make a whole lot of difference if there’s a number in front of it or not, for SEO purposes. Having the year (my preferred approach) at least gives a little bit of context, and groups things nicely. Plus if somebody is using one of those URL directory traversal things, then going “up” a directory has it show them all my posts for the year. 🙂

  45. Hi Otto, great forum, I am undecided about /%catagory%/%postname%/
    and here’s why. I watched a video about setting up the permalink structure
    for seo performance and traffic, it was mention after the /%catagory%/%postname%/ link was placed at the bottom of the permalink structure there was a .htaccess code that is to be copied and ftp to your wp.
    Question, I did not see the .htaccess code to save and copy to my wp.
    Is it that important to do this, or can I just get by with the /%catagory%/%postname%/ or even better /%year%/%catagory%/%postname%/
    with doing the .htaccess suggestion?

  46. Mr. Otto,
    Can you in short guide me which is the best out of the following 3 permalinks & i should stick with it.

    Please help!

  47. Great article.

    I think this may expand more on it. I agree completely though, remove them darn categories from your links.

    I wrote an article that will tell you how to not lose rank while doing so.

    Change wordpress permalink structure

  48. […] – Since WordPress grew up as a blog they hardcoded the URL routing logic which has resulted in some rather odious limitations in how you can design your URLS.  Drupal’s URL management is no panacea either — you can end up with a difficult […]

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