
Otto's UnicornPlugin: Unicornify
Version: 0.2
Last updated: 4 years ago.
Downloaded: 0 times.


Changes all gravatars into algorithimically generated pictures of unicorns. See http://unicornify.appspot.com for more information.

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  • WordPress.
  • Desire for more unicorns.


  • Unicorns.
  • Lack of unicorn poop.

Installation Instructions

  1. Upload the files to the `/wp-content/plugins/unicornify/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


This plugin is licensed under the GPL Version 2 only.

Method to get support

Some people think prayer works. Personally, I have my doubts.

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  1. […] applikasjonen på Appspot, lese hva Stack Overflow har skrevet om applikasjonen, eller laste ned WordPress-innstikket skrevet av […]

  2. Fantastic! I’d love to see an port of this to BuddyPress 😀

  3. OMG! I thought I had gone nuts! I visited my website today and saw these funny unicorns instead of gravatar pictures!
    Now I think that this feature is built-in in my WordPress theme. That’s really fun! BTW, Happy Fool’s Day!

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