Posts tagged ‘codex’

For you people who do your own theme work:

<?php if (function_exists('wp_get_shortlink')) { ?>
<div><span class="post-shortlink">Shortlink: 
<input type='text' value='<?php echo wp_get_shortlink(get_the_ID()); ?>' onclick='this.focus();;' />
<?php } ?>

Basically that adds a little Shortlink: input box with the shortlink in it. Click the box, and the shortlink becomes selected for easy copy and paste.

It’ll also work with any shortlink plugin that uses the “get_shortlink” filter to override the shortlink properly (like Stats).

Put it somewhere in The Loop or on the Single Post pages or what have you.


Originally posted here:

When writing the Simple Facebook Connect plugin, I investigated how the Settings API worked. It’s relatively new to WordPress (introduced in version 2.7), and many things I read said that it was much easier to use.

It is much easier to use in that it makes things nice and secure almost automatically for you. No confusion about nonces or anything along those lines. However, it’s slightly more difficult to use in that there’s very little good documentation for it. Especially for the most common case: Making your own settings page.

So, here is my little documentation attempt.

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