STC now has @anywhere support!
Took a look at @anywhere a little while ago. With my experience working with the Facebook javascript methods, it was rather trivial to incorporate the new javascript functionality from Twitter into Simple Twitter Connect, so that was exactly what I did.
Simple Twitter Connect 0.7 now automatically enables your site to run the new @anywhere code. With zero extra configuration steps.
All the example javascript code they give on the @anywhere documentation site will work immediately.
I even added an example plugin (STC-Linkify) to demonstrate how it works. Activate that plugin and it will automatically link any Twitter usernames on your page to Twitter. So when I type @ottodestruct or @otto42, they’re automatically linked. Neat, eh?
I’ll be adding several more @anywhere plugins to the package soon, but those will be in the next update. If you want them in advance, then you can see the trunk version of the plugin and pick and choose which you want. I’ve already added the Follow Button widget to there, so you can go get it now if you like. I’m already using it here in my sidebar.
Awesome! I really like STC-Linkify. One thing to note: the usernames are automatically linked here on your site, but were not linked in my feed reader. It’d be great if you could change that, but maybe it’s not possible.
It really isn’t possible. The linkification happens using javascript, which doesn’t come through the feeds.
Is it possible to make the @anywhere links open in a new window?
Thanks for the plugins!