I found a really stupid mistake in the STC-Publish plugin this morning, so I went ahead and pushed the fix and all the other changes out as well. Here’s a quick rundown of the new features:

  • STC-Publish now doesn’t have that weird case where it posts to Twitter without the shortlink.
  • Followers Widget is available. This shows a random selection your followers on Twitter. In order to use it, you have to have the “AutoTweet” user set using the publish plugin, so it knows which user to look at. You don’t actually have to use AutoTweeting though, just have it set to a user. Also, this widget is unstyled, so you’ll have to add styling for it to your theme to make it not look terrible. There’s a sample set of styling rules at the top of the plugin code. Only advanced users should probably use this widget.
  • The Follow widget now has a shortcode for use in posts. Just put (tweetfollow user=”username”) to put a follow button into a post. There’s also the stc_follow_button() function for advanced users who want to integrate it into their theme.
  • If you have a Multi-Site configuration set up and you want all your sites to use it, then you can define the STC_CONSUMER_KEY and/or STC_CONSUMER_SECRET in your wp-config file.
  • John Bloch sent me a Dashboard widget for Tweeting. After suitable modification, it’s in there too.
  • The Tweet boxes in the Publish widget and the Dashboard widget now use javascript to resize themselves to the correct sizes.

So there you go. Enjoy!



  1. Thanks for the update! More power!!

  2. Hi Otto,

    I came across this Twitter Comments plugin @ http://omblogs.dk/myplugins/2009/02/new-wordpress-plugin-commenttweets/

    “The plugin reminds the blog reader of their comment when a follow-up comment is created. It sends an @reply to the blog reader with at link to the relevant blog post through your own twitter account or an account created for this purpose (to avoid clutter on your main twitter account).”

    Does your plugin do anything along these lines?

  3. Are you still doing development on this app?

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