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Twitter adds oEmbed – Adding it to WordPress with a snippet

Missed the news last week or so, but Twitter added oEmbed provider support to their API. While previous methods have existed to easily post tweets (such as Blackbird Pie), oEmbed is built into the WordPress core. However, since Twitter didn’t implement oEmbed discovery, and WP has discovery off by default anyway, you have to resort […]

Using the Facebook Debugger Tool

I frequently get emails from users of SFC saying that their Like/Send buttons or Publish buttons are putting in weird content, or getting the wrong images, or things like that. Many presume it to be a bug in SFC itself or some kind of plugin incompatibility. Actually, it’s neither of those. You’re running into what I […]

SFC will never get “frictionless sharing”.

Just a quick note to state this as a fact, in case anybody was wondering (and since I’ve had a few emails about it lately). Under no circumstances will I ever implement Facebook’s “frictionless sharing” in Simple Facebook Connect. If you want such a thing, I recommend using another plugin. Facebook’s frictionless sharing is a […]

Random Post snippet

Wrote this quick WordPress code snippet at WordCamp Louisville. It makes a /random/ URL on your site which redirects to a random post. Thought some people might find it useful. Not a perfect little snippet, but gets the job done. Note the use of the little-used 307 redirect for temporary redirection. This is to make […]

Creating a Site-Specific Snippets Plugin

If you read “how-to” stuff for WordPress sites around the web, then you frequently run across what many people like to call “snippets”. Short bits of code or functions to do various things. I myself post snippets frequently, usually made up on the fly to solve somebody’s specific problem. One question I get a fair amount […]

GoDaddy Hosting = Epic Failure. Looking for a new hosting service.

I’ve been hosting my sites on GoDaddy for years, despite everybody saying that they suck and so forth. I’ve even defended them. Their interface is crap, but it’s not terrible once you get used to it. It works well enough. Their shared servers are indeed overloaded, but with a little super-caching they tended to work […]

New in WordPress 3.3: More Useful Help Screens

Note: Post has been updated for 3.3 beta 2 WordPress plugin and theme authors could get something interesting in WordPress 3.3: a somewhat more comprehensive help screen system. This is actually just a small part of a more long term makeover involving unifying the admin screen code base, but it’s pretty cool nevertheless. Backward compatibility […]

Customizing WordPress Images with a Plugin: ImageFX

My post about how to customize WordPress images with tricks like greyscale and such got me lots of feedback, so I figured I might as well turn it into a plugin. The ImageFX plugin allows you to customize the image sizes from WordPress or custom ones for your theme, by applying filters to them. The […]

SFC will NOT require you to use HTTPS

Seen this a couple of times on various sites and had a couple people ask me on Twitter about it. Starting October 1st, Facebook will start requiring two new things: 1. OAuth 2.0 support. SFC has this in version 1.1, which will be released shortly (tomorrow, probably). 2. Canvas and Page Tab Applications will require […]

Actions and filters are NOT the same thing…

Have you ever looked at the add_action function in WordPress? Here it is: I know, right? Some people’s minds just got blown. What are Filters? A filter is defined as a function that takes in some kind of input, modifies it, and then returns it. This is an extremely handy little concept that PHP itself […]